Message of The Day

“All of us are at your beck and call because all of us are involved and fully committed to the anchoring and fulfillment of the Plan of the Mother. But sweet angels of light, sweet angels of love, you have your team and your guides and guardian angels appear to you in ways that are in keeping with your pathway and the expression of what you deem as sacred, holy, personal.
They speak to you in ways that allow you to build the relationship and to acquire the guidance that is helpful to you; this is their sole/soul responsibility and delight. It is what they have committed to eons ago and that commitment has never wavered or changed.
Now, often I have said to thee that I do not wish to be an underemployed archangel; well, this is also true of your guides. This is their mission and purpose – it is to assist you in ways that are wondrous and caring and appropriate. And they will literally move heaven and earth, and other planets as well, in order to communicate and reach you.” Archangel Gabrielle
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.