“When You ‘Will To Do Good’, Your World Shifts”

What it means to be a Nova Being is that you have shifted from the will to dominate, from the will to control, to the will to do good, and this addiction to domination and control comes to an end.
“When You ‘Will To Do Good’, Your World Shifts”
El Morya
Saturday Conference Call 02-16-19
Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love
Relax. Let’s just begin by relaxing our shoulders, our hips, our knees, our feet. Put your feet on the ground, on the floor, and cross your legs, and sink into your heart, sink into your beautiful tri-flame. And feel your Pink Diamond, that incredible, beautiful, shiny, sparkly, gentle pink, the center of your flame. Breathe pink and feel the ignition in your heart, and feel as if your tri-flame, which is at the seat of your soul, is coming all the way up through your heart, through your thymus, through your throat, right up, shooting up through the top of your head. And feel as if the Blue Diamond of our Divine Mother is wrapping around, spiraling around to the left, spiraling up around your beautiful Pink Diamond self. And feel the Gold Diamond of the Father spiraling to the right, up meshing with your Pink Diamond and the Blue Diamond.
Just take a minute and feel just how big you are, that your physical body is the smallest piece of your being and that all your meridians, all your chakras, all your bodies are open and clear and sparkling, and glorious. And that your Seal of Solomon, that outer final layer of protection that looks like Saran Wrap or Handi-Wrap, is perfectly sealed, no rents, no tears, no snags, no punctures.
Now, anchored in your heart, I want you to take a deep breath of the most beautiful lapis lazuli, that brilliant blue, that ancient blue of Egypt…think the Pharaohs, King Tut. Breathe in the blue and let’s go deeper into the tanzanite, into the beautiful, dark almost navy blue. The tanzanite color sits at your hairline and it’s where the Mother has installed and activated your fifth eye…and your fifth eye is the ability to see as the Mother sees. So, if you haven’t worked with this fifth eye before, take your fingers, go to your hairline in alignment with your third and fourth eye, go up and do some circular motions, and let it open because it’s time for us to see the world, and the Plan and the unfoldment of the Plan as the Mother does. So, open and receive, accept and surrender.
Now, take a breath of beautiful pale aquamarine, that watery, turquoisy blue, and feel that energy, that Caribbean energy of those beautiful waters. Aquamarine helps you with release, so, if there is anything that you are letting go of really feel this energy of aquamarine.
And now a breath of larimar, found only in the Dominican Republic, that blue of the sky and of the ocean.
And now, let’s go for the blue topaz. Feel it coming down, down from the heart of El Morya and beaming through and into your beautiful Pink Diamond, down through your crown, feel that energy of the blue topaz, it’s very electric. Let it go through your brain, through the crevasses, through the hemispheres, balancing you out…the pineal, the pituitary, the hypothalamus. Take a minute…open up your occipitals. Feel the blue topaz in your mouth, in your teeth…our teeth are our receptors and our transmitters, they are essential to us, it’s part of how we beam out to transform this planet. And if you’re missing a tooth, don’t worry, etherically it’s still there. And feel the clarity of the blue topaz so that when you speak you speak with clarity, you speak with purity, and you speak with love…down into your throat, into your high heart, and into your heart, that beautiful, shiny blue topaz. But let’s not stop at our hearts, let’s give the gift to each chakra. So, your beautiful lemon yellow, the seat of your will, and your will to will, the Will of One, and your halion, and your umbilical, your sweet little tummy, your pubic, your root…bring in blue topaz.
So many of us travel on the Blue Ray because it is such a time of change upon the planet.
Now, pull it back up from your root, your tummy, your sacral, your umbilical, your hara, back up into your heart. Now, feel it exploding as if it’s all those sparkles of blue topaz are going out, out of your heart into your causal, your mental, your emotional, your etheric, your astral bodies. Let it go…good. And El Morya is asking that you work, that you play, that you embrace this blue topaz often and diligently for the next couple of weeks…bring it in and anchor.
Greetings, I AM El Morya, El Morya Khan, Mahatma, brother, and friend. And yes, I am pleased to step forth and to embrace you as ascending and ascended, becoming and became angels of light and humans of love. We have waited a very long time for this shift, for this ascension, for this discarding of the old and the embrace of the original. You may think of it as new, it matters not. What is important, what is essential, my beloved friends, angels of every ray and every light and every sound, the point is you are embracing, yes, my passion, my purpose, my will, which is the will to do good. And it is as basic and as fundamental a rule of operation, a state of being, and it matters not whether you are a maid in the kitchen, a janitor in the gym, the head of a nation, a businessman, a geologist, a doctor, a physician.
Nova Earth, and the most essential piece, from my perspective, of what it means to be a Nova Being, is that you have shifted from the will to dominate, from the will to control, to the will to do good in every breath, every word, every action, every environment, every thing you do, including and beginning and ending with your beloved self. This addiction, this addiction that has been based in falsehood, illusion, and the old third, this addiction to domination and control comes to an end. Because it has been, not only an illusion but an aberration, and might I even say, an abomination.
So often there has been this individual and collective human desire to control, to control the actions, the moods, the heart of others, and also, to control yourself. It is a brutal, unkind way to think of yourself, particularly at this juncture, as you are welcoming in, calling home, integrating the beautiful mosaic of who you are.
Can you imagine what it is like to invite an aspect home, to pretend you are opening your arms, and then say “come in, because I am going to control you, I am going to whip you into shape and tell you what to do and how to think and how to behave”? That is cruel and that is certainly not of love.
And it is true when you interact with others, whether it is the man on the street or the Queen of England, and yes, I use that example specifically, and you say “I want to control our circumstance; I want to control your behavior; I want to control the outcomes because I do not trust”…this is what it boils down to. Yes, it is certainly an issue of self-worth and self-love, but it is fundamentally a lack of trust. You do not trust yourself, you do not trust another, you do not trust the universe and the Mother and her beautiful Plan, so you will attempt to control others and outcomes, behaviors and circumstances. Where is the trust in this, and where is the trust in the Mother, the Father, the One, and your incredible divine self, your ascended self?
So, I am here, not as distant master, I am here as benevolent teacher to assist thee in this movement from domination to the will to good. Because when all your focus for yourself and for the entire planet, for everything in your life, is simply to do good…and do not pretend you do not know what that means, you most certainly do! When you will to do good, in kindness and gentleness, in strength, in prudence, in compassion, and most definitely in joy, then your world shifts, the vibration, the vibratory rate, the frequency of the collective goes from zero to a thousand overnight. That is when we are talking about the snap, the collective snap of ascension, because when you are in the good, when you are in the trust, when you are aligning with your heart speaking/listening/doing, then it is all done.
That is the creation of Nova Earth. Yes, the institutions, the cultures, the literal building, the caretaking of Gaia, the plants, the rivers, the trees, it all happens when this fundamental…not an attitude, and not a belief system, but a state of being anchored in your hara, anchored in your heart, your solar plexus, your feet, your hands, your head. When you are there, then it is done, and the blossoming, the sweet blossoming that we have awaited for so long…you think because you’ve been at it for a few years or a few decades…that is nothing in time. But the good news is…now is the time!
And so, I step forth, gleefully, but in strong determination and readiness to help you in the anchoring…you are already mostly there, but you don’t always accept that. So, it is not just the trust, it is the knowing that who you are and how you operate in your will to do good is anchored. It is the fundamental truth of who you are because you are of the One…and the One is of you!
So, I will lead you once again to the promised land, to the land of milk and honey and love. Call on me. Walk with me. I am with you. Go with love. Farewell.