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Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am your Father Mother Adonai as you call me, also known as Nebadon Nebadonia. I wanted to drop by this morning to leave a short message, to all the children, I want you to understand something the children of Father Mother Adonai. Everything requires a process of maturation, everything is forming stages, everything is peeling, you have to go fulfilling stages, fulfilling steps. Just like, when you have a fruit on the tree, it’s green, you can’t eat it yet, you have to wait for the fruit to ripen to be able to eat it.
That’s right, everything has a cycle it must fulfill. Everything has its own process, nothing can happen before and nothing happens after. Everything goes at its right time, everything is fulfilling stages, moments. There is a plan that is a goal, an objective, but on the way present circumstances that maybe have to move away, or have to fight or transform those obstacles and more, when we have who puts us stones in the way not to advance, calmly grab the stone, remove it off the road and keep walking.
Sometimes it’s not only stones, but walls, high walls that are sometimes difficult to break, but you have to break them down and keep walking to reach the goal, to the goal. Sometimes it doesn’t just happen on the planet, but in all the processes of the universe. Sometimes you want to move forward on your way and you get obstacles in the way. They want to advance in their ascension, of spiritual awakening, they put obstacles, barriers. Sometimes those immense walls, you have to put them aside and keep walking, because this path is of the brave, of those who have decided in their hearts to achieve that goal, that goal that their being has drawn even before birth.
In life, in the universe, everything is handled, everything follows a rhythm, if a trend. The universe helps, assists, gives energies, but you carry the arrangement in your heart. Perhaps they see a small stone as a big obstacle to progress and fail to realize that by just kicking that stone, they move it out of the way and can keep moving forward.
We have obstacles in this process of ascension as we have already told you and have been indicated by your interlocutors, that Emanuel and Pastora have communicated to you. There are many obstacles because there are many opposers to this plan, to this goal that I have set for this humanity.
They’ve put walls, walls, stones of all sizes on us and they don’t get tired of putting us on. When we think we see the road clear, clean, we get stones that are sometimes hard to remove.
I tell you all and put this example, so you know, that the road to light, the road of ascension, sometimes becomes difficult, the road gets rocky, but it is important that you are removing from the way, all those stones that prevent them from reaching the goal, to the final goal, in the light of that tunnel, that will lead them to this new reality, to this new world that has been prepared for all those who have walked, who have overcome and continue, continue in their inner work, because there is where they have that strength, from strengthen within, to unlock the path.
We’re already at the end of this cycle, we’re already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. But now, we have to finish putting away all those stones. And that everyone aligns on the path we are all going, as humanity, as beings of light, we are all going toward the same tunnel, toward the same reality. Let’s all join hands, united so that we all united are the strength, we can walk and overcome all the stones, those walls, those obstacles that put us in our walk.
I bless you all, and that everyone enters his sacred place, in his sacred chamber of the heart, there he feels that he hinders him, which hinders him, what are the obstacles that do not let them advance and continue, and begin to remove the stones of the way, so that they can move forward my sons.
Here I wait for you at the end of the tunnel, here I am with you.
I am Father Mother Adonai Nebadón Nebadonia, I bless you all and go ahead my Warriors of light.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 16/10/2024