Galactic Council: Layers of Different Realities

Galactic Council: Layers of Different Realities

Channel: Asara Adams | Source

We are here now.

We love you.

Beloved One, as you are going through your Ascension journey, you are moving through layers and layers of different realities.

Each layer contains either more of the Illusion/3D energies or more of the 5D/Heaven on Earth energies.

Every moment you are interacting with each layer, your intent can move you either deeper into the Illusion or closer to Heaven on Earth.

As your heart and soul began with the awakening, massive assistance from the higher dimensions of Light have been activated.

This includes your Galactic Families of Light, The Ascended Masters, The Angelic Host, Your I AM Presence, The Holy Spirit and many more…

All it takes is a reaching up to the helping hands that are offering themselves to you to usher in a new era of light.

Your consistent reaching for Source/Mother-Father God is forging your pathway to your Ascension and liberation from the Illusion.

As you are going through your day, we invite you to continue to reach up and to give your being into the hands of Source/Mother-Father God.

Every moment is an opportunity to align yourself with Source/Mother-Father God and to begin to see through the veil of Illusion.

Begin to see God’s son/daughter in everyone, including yourself.

You are the creator of your reality and the path you are taking through the different layers of reality.

Begin to see through the veil of the Illusion…

Welcome Home!

We are holding the vision of the Divine New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you… always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste.