Be Gentle with Yourself

Be Gentle with Yourself

By Judith Kusel | Source

We are in an intense time when the cosmic energies plus the solar flares, plus the energies released from both earths, are rising into crescendo, plus other cosmic events which are simultaneously occurring.

Yes, it is all happening at once, and not on visible levels so much, as on invisible levels and as our soul never sleeps (even when we are supposedly asleep) our soul is constantly briefed by our higher guides and Ascended Masters as to what is happening on universal and cosmic scale.

It is time to be gentle with yourself. To let go of all expectations of how things should be, ought to be, need to be, and this includes yourself.

N0-thing is ever going to be the same, for it is not meant to be the same anymore. It all changing form, and what appears to be solid, is not solid anymore. All is shifting form.

Yet, as our vibrational frequencies rise and as we morph from density into the light-filled new forms, we need to be patient with the process. I am always being told that if the changes happen too quickly, our physical forms will disintegrate completely, and so the energy shifts are geared to help our bodies to cope. Yet, it also depends on our emotional, mental and spiritual states as well, for they all are one single entity.

It is so necessary to not only make sure that you clear your energy fields every single day, morning and night, and add extra light bubbles in and around you, to help you to cope and not take in energies into your own fields which are not yours.

Be careful what you are watching, what you are listening to, and what you read – you are in sole charge of your own soul, life and well being and no one else!

There are many things now happening on earth which are not broadcast, and yet at a deep level we are tuning into it all. And that “tuning in” is what will become the norm now, and this from the heart center, which always KNOWS for it can tune in multi-dimensional and as our own light quotients increase, the more tuned in we become.

Listen to the feedback that is given by what you are tuning into and trust it implicitly and go deeper within and stop listening outside of yourself. All you need to know is already there within you.

Yes, it is challenging at times, yet there are simultaneously so many miracles happening, all at once!

With challenges always come simultaneous support, for life strives for BALANCE!

What a time to be alive and being able to experience and witness this unprecedented event unfold!

Remember that the open heart and love is the central unlocking key to the visible and invisible and All That Is, as is the your own soul.