Feeling in this Moment

Feeling in this Moment

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

What matters most is how you feel precisely in this moment. How you feel in this very moment impacts all of your aspects, from what is referred to as the past, present, and future. And this is affecting the vibration of your surroundings, as well as the collective.

All that appears as a cause for you to be in a lower vibration, to be anything less than joy, is simply an illusion.

You already are and have everything you need. You are a unique expression of Source in an infinite Universe, who came forth from love, with love, to Be love in physical embodiment.

The veil of separation is quickly dissolving, for you have chosen to open your heart, to allow its expansion, and experience reality from the heart’s perspective. Allowing the light within to expand, arriving to new realizations, and you are now closer than ever with your families from the stars.

Truthfully they stand right beside you, walking with you, and many of them just a few miles directly above in the crafts.

Continue emanating love, and before you know, high probability that this may occur even before ascension, the sky will open up, and You will be greeted by your star family in open physical contact.

All the light to You!