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Greetings Emanuel and Pastor, Peace Inverential. I quickly pass by to give you an update of the process we are living, which is no longer a secret to anyone, our presence in the heavens. Everyone has been able to see us, some with different theories of that presence. They try to justify the unjustifiable. Our presence is there, not only in the north country, in several countries we are making presence and getting more and more.
We have already given them the truce, we have permission to intervene and we are here. Don’t be fooled by the topic of drones. The drones have been launched by them, maybe to see if they could, or attack us, or camouflage all this process that is already open, we are already arriving, in many places we have arrived. Well, we’ve always been there, but now it’s noticeable how our Ships come out of the ocean. Ships of great depth are photographed by their satellites, by the space telescopes that cover the entire planet.
Also our ships have been photographed by many with their own cell phones, in videos. They’re going to say, that it’s the blue beam, or that it’s one of their great technologies. It is our presence and there we are ensuring and also taking care of the planet from any nuclear threat.
They want to unleash a full-scale war, as we have told you before, nuclear attacks. The government of the north hides many things from them. It hides from them many situations that they are experiencing within their territory, they do not show their faces, answers, explanations as if they were for kindergarten children, from the nursery that no one believes.
My beloved, I say to you, here we are, here we are in the heavens where everyone sees us conspicuously.
The Master is also at high levels of the atmosphere in our Ship as well. The whole planet is wrapped, surrounded by ships and they could see the Orbs of different dimensions. There are presence in the planet of different technologies. Please don’t say they are drones. Drones are what they sent. They are our Ships in the presence helping the planet, avoiding the outbreak of a nuclear war.
We are over their nuclear facilities as we always tell them, deactivating all those devices, because we will not, and will not, at any time, allow, any nuclear weapons explosions.
Also remember that the northern country is in transition to a new government and all this big world order wants to mess up everything. But they won’t be able to because we’re protecting the whole planet.
We are already close to a great outcome, I thank you all, always stay in internal connection. Stay alert, stay prepared because the times speak, and what you’re seeing is only a prelude to what’s to come.
I say goodbye my beloved and remember that the planet Hercobulus is near bringing a lot of activity to the solar level and this energy emission is also helping them. But remember that all these transformations at the planetary level, also come based on this proximity.
All internalized, all internally connected. Let no one be afraid of our presence, they have requested us and waited so long and there we are. Calm down everyone, we’re here at the gates of the great outcome.
Farewell, I am Ashtar Sheran.
Inverential Peace.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -24/12/2024