” … all healing, whether it’s a broken foot or a broken heart, is all about the heart. So, take your hands, with the Violet Flame running brilliantly, and place them over your heart and feel that warmth going directly into your heart, into your heart center. All of us, at some point or another, need heart healing and it may be something that you’ve experienced in your life, or it may be what you have observed on Terra Gaia, or in the clearing of the chaos.
But, feel that Violet Flame, not only going into your heart but right through that chakra, right through your tri-flame, but into your heart and out the back of your being. Turn it up a bit…it doesn’t need to be directed, it just clears out the debris and more deeply anchors your I AM and The I AM. So, open and receive, allow. One of our biggest actions as love-holders is surrender. So, surrender and receive. And we ask that this continue to run until the healing is complete. So, whether it is an hour, a week, just allow and say, ‘Thank you!'” Linda Dillon