Lord Maitreya: I come this day and address you as the Masters that you are…

The fundamental reality is that we are all connected, interconnected, interwoven, inter-gridded as One. There is nothing that you can feel, or believe, or hold to be true that does not impact – not simply have ripple effect – but directly impact the entirety of the whole. Now, if that is not power and might born of mastery, I do not know what is!
Your Deepest Desire: Your Greatest Fear
Lord Maitreya
An Hour with an Angel May 26, 2015
Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love
Steve Beckow Host, In Light Radio
Steve Beckow: We have as our guest today Lord Maitreya that many lovingly call the Big Buddha. And we are going to be talking to him about unitive consciousness. Welcome Lord Maitreya.
Lord Maitreya: And welcome to you beloved brothers, beloved sisters, beloved friends.
Yes, I am Maitreya. Buddha. And Buddha of love, Buddha of One, Buddha of All. For we are but one energy, you know! So as we come this day to gather and to converse about unitive consciousness, about unity, is it not fitting that we begin by the acknowledgement that, in fact, we are all one?
So, as I come to address you, as Maitreya, as Buddha, do I not address the Buddha within each one of you? Do I not call forth the enlightened being within each one of you? It is my honor and my pleasure and my sacred duty to do so. And it is not because, in any way, my dear heart friends, that I wish to diminish or dismiss any other aspect or part of your sacred being.
But when you allow and bring to the forefront this piece of you that is already, and always has been in your mastery, in the unity of one, it allows the conversation, and more importantly, the energy of our union to proceed more smoothly. For there are things that I will speak of this day, this night as I join you, that perhaps you may not fully comprehend or understand in your current, logical mind. But in your heart-awareness, in the totality of your being, you know exactly what I am saying.
You are not, nor is it feasible that you are not united and fully integrated as part of One. Now, many of you, in this wondrous exercise of ego and free will, have traveled as far as you possibly could to be away from this understanding and from this acceptance of who you are. And I would say to you, what a valiant effort and try so many of the human race have made. And I invite you to join with me to see the humor of that because, dearest hearts, it does not matter how far you flee or what illusions you erect and resurrect – it does not change the fundamental reality that we are all connected, interconnected, interwoven, inter-gridded as One.
Yes, each in your unique expression of One, each in your own explanation, as convoluted or as clear as that may be – it doesn’t matter.
Now, when I say it doesn’t matter, I do not mean that your free will, spiritual, mental, emotional, causal, physical, decisions, actions, behaviors, do not matter. They matter immensely. And they matter in every aspect of what you can think of as time.
What I mean is that the illusions that you are somehow separated, or isolated, or that you, in your mighty decision-making power, have removed yourself from the web of One – that thought pattern, that emotional pattern, does not matter because it is not of truth. And it is time. And I have heard many of you say, “Lord, it is long past time that this recognition of separation be over and done with.”
I do not have a plan at this juncture to wait thousands of years to speak to you or to spend thousands of years trying to convince you of what is already known, yearned for, desired, and, to some degree, differing with every being upon the planet, accepted within your heart consciousness and to some degree within your mental and emotional consciousness.
I step forward as a being of love. Many have called me “Master of the Masters.” It is not a term that I drag out very often and certainly not for special occasions. Because in our unified grid, in our unified consciousness, there is not a hierarchy. My reason for mentioning this is to address you in your mastery, to allow you to raise your head and declare the truth of who you are in the totality.
And you may say to me: “But, Lord, I do not feel like a master.” And I would tease you. I would sit with you. I would cajole you. And I would ask for you to consider – what does a master feel like? And how do you know? Why are you so eager to deny your potential?
The declaration, the anchoring of mastery is not, and never has been, and never will be, a declaration of ego, of superiority, of any form of hierarchy. It is a declaration of piety, of humility, of service. It is a declaration that you are willing, in your enlightened process, to do whatever it takes, from cleaning latrines, to scrubbing floors, to cleansing the sky and the oceans, contributing to the rebuilding of Nova Earth, and that includes contributing to the disassembly of the old.
It is done in the knowingness that every thought, every action, every blink of your eye has impact on the whole. There is nothing that you can do. Think of what I say: There is nothing that you can do, feel, activate, not activate, not do. Inaction is action. So there is nothing that you can feel, or believe, or hold to be true that does not impact – not simply have ripple effect – but directly impact the entirety of the whole.
Now, if that is not power and might born of mastery, I do not know what is. When you have collectively, in your unified consciousness, decided that you would ascend as one, as one planetary element – think of this – in form that you were strong enough, stalwart enough, committed enough, diligent, consistent, powerful enough to undertake such a Herculean task. This was a declaration of your desire and determination to be an expression, and an action, and a result of unification, of that surrender and acceptance of unified grid, of unified heart, of unified consciousness.
There was a deep soul recognition that individual by individual, while there is respect and honoring of each being’s soul decisions, soul design; that the true service to the Mother was the declaration of One.
Now, many of you have put this aside and said, “Well, what is the next thing? We have been twiddling our thumbs and waiting for ascension. We have been waiting event after event and the significant shift into the higher realms. So, now I am bored and I will move on.” But, my sweet beloveds, you do not move on, you are still in this process, you are still in the Mother’s third wave. You are still in the wakening to the realization of the fullness of who you are. And it is only distraction, to quote my beloved brother Michael, to think that you are not in the middle of this, and, in fact, it is not the middle, it is the end. But that is part of the discussion we have this day.
Now, I have spoken at length, and dearest heart, Steve, I know you wish to begin.
Steve: Well, I’m absolutely enthralled by what you’re saying, Lord Maitreya. Yes, we can begin another line. And that is that, if I could start here: I think we’re all having trouble either understanding unitive consciousness or realizing it or feeling it. And probably the chief impediment is that we all exist in separate bodies – Linda’s over there, Graham’s over there, I’m here.
Now how can unitive consciousness exist when we are in separate bodies? I think that’s probably the chief question that listeners might have about this topic. Can you explain that, please?
Maitreya: The creation, not only of humanity, but certainly of far beyond – and I will answer the question – but there has need to be a backdrop to this explanation. Many of the creations, in fact most of the creations of the Divine Mother are an expression, an experience of what you think of as singularity and uniqueness. And that is true whether it is a human form, or an animal form, or even a planetary or galactic form. Because even a galaxy, for example, has many elements, but it tends to think of itself, yes, think of itself, as a unified One.
The underlying, pinning consciousness, even in the expression of singularity, is unity. You are seeking something, and I will get to the practical, but you are seeking something that is already part, an element, of your core being, of your heart.
Now, many have kept this aspect, this element of themselves buried, hidden, ignored, denied, but the light workers, the love holders, whom I joyously address this night, have passed that point, long past that point, of denial and are seeking the greater, the outer expression of that unitive consciousness.
Now, think of your body. Your body is a living – in your reality – example of unitive consciousness; the cells, the organs, the tissue, the bones, the skin, the structure, even your unseen bodies, your chakras, your meridians – they all work in harmony, in a unified consciousness grid.
It is only when it is interfered with, ignored or damaged, by physical or human choice, that it does not. And even when that occurs it strives to restore that unified balance. So the underpinning of creation – which is a very significant statement that I make to you this night – is unity, is the connectedness of all.
The gift – and there has been great discussion throughout the ages about the nature of this gift – but the gift of singularity, particularly as we will restrict this to the human collective, has been this element of free will which was given to you to be able to align, to not be forced or have it as a given, but for you to discover and choose the joy, the bliss of being in that alignment with unity.
Now, has that gone askew? It most certainly has. But what you are asking of me is how do we reunite. How do we reconnect when we have these forms, these bodies?
But you are not, and your mind and heart are not restricted or contained by these bodies. That is an inner shell of your being. But your outer shell, your heart consciousness, and even as you go forth, your mental consciousness, your emotional consciousness – yes, in balance – is able to fully connect telepathically, energetically, what you think of as physical or oral communication, written communication. And this potential, this ability to connect into the collective consciousness, which is unified consciousness – not of the old realm, but of the true realm – has been growing exponentially, explosively, by quantum leaps in the past several years. And has it been assisted by we who serve you, by your star family, and by each other? Yes.
Let me go to the science for a moment – no not the complicated quantum physics and beyond that you would not comprehend. The most sophisticated expression of science is love. It is the form, it is the substance, it is the matter, it is the expression of all creation.
But think of it, in your scientific realm, how there have been – and there have been many, many, many, many examples of this, of an idea, not just of a scientific idea, of a formula, of an invention, of a creation, but of an idea: The world is round; we are not the only life force or life expectancy upon the universe or within this galaxy; that there are other forms of nationhood or governance and liberty; and that perhaps there are different ways in which equality expresses. These ideas, which are inspirations, but they are human – and yes, transmitted inspirations – occur simultaneously upon the planet out of what you can think of as thin air.
But what is truly transpiring, and the capacity that is growing, is that you are already keying into this collective, unified grid of consciousness. And the realization is that you are not separated from that over-arching connectedness. And it is not restricted to simply ideas. Most importantly it is connected to the love, to the heart.
So you say – and this has been assisted by your star family giving you what you think of as technology to connect – but you find yourself in sacred relationship, loving friendships, partnerships, soul family, union, increasingly with people all over the globe whom you have never had the opportunity, as yet, of meeting on the street, of sharing a meal, or a cup of wine, or a cup of coffee, that you have never gazed at the sunset together or shared the stories of your singularity.
And yet you find yourself, by choice, engaged, committed, and what I would refer to as bound to each other – not by obligation, not by a sense of responsibility – but by a sense of heart knowingness of this love, of seeing the divinity and the bright singularity in each other.
Now, is this, at this juncture of your time and space, limited? Yes. But does it grow? You have only a tiny glimpse of how significantly, rapidly, dramatically – in our sense of the word – that it is growing. All over the planet beings are communicating in the name of just causes, in the name of corporations and businesses, in the name of nationhood. But what is truly transpiring – people are connecting and seeing, in very real, heartfelt, unitive consciousness ways, the value, the recognition of each other.
And these relationships that begin their definition by purpose or cause, be it government or corporations or good works, these relationships are taking root. And the growing recognition of family as fellow journeyers on Gaia, yearning for the same things: to be treated fairly and equally, and honorably, and lovingly, with kindness and consideration – this is growing. And it is not dependent upon the body. It is dependent upon the yearning and the desire and the willingness, this freewill decision, to allow the connection.
Do you understand what I say?
Steve: Yes I do. And, I continue to be looking at this difficulty. I guess it boils down to why can I not both understand and feel and realize unitive consciousness? What stands in the way of my realizing that, Lord? And, I speak for all the listeners, of course. What work remains to be done or what obstacle has to be removed?
Maitreya: Denial.
Steve: Denial of?
Maitreya: Denial of self. Denial of your ability to truly link-in. Now, let us speak very clearly. Your deepest truth and desire is not only to return home, to return to the Mother, but it is to be loved. It is to be seen, to be acknowledged, cherished, and to be free to fulfill the expanse, the vast expanse, of your soul mission.
And when I speak of soul mission, I am not simply speaking in the narrow interpretation of your service to the Mother, because a key component of this soul mission is also to know love and joy in the physical realm. That is why you are maintaining – and it is a choice – maintaining this physical singularity.
This is your deepest desire, and it is your greatest fear. It is what you have constructed, many layers individually and collectively, and I mean as an entire collective of the beings upon Gaia, that you have constructed these ideations, these paradigms of false separation, and none of it is true. But you have constructed it just in case your deepest desires do not manifest and are not true.
So you allow – yes, allow – this deviation, this detouring, and you feel that you are batting your head against a brick wall saying, “Let me in,” when the brick wall is not real, that you are in denial of your ability to simply walk through and join me.
You have had, each of you in different measure, have had the experience of the explosion of love. When you are staying in that place of that love, for self, for others, for all, there is no separation, you are there. And when you stay there, that hookup, as you would think of it, that flowing into the unitive consciousness of One, of absolute joy and bliss; it is a given.
So it is only when you start to back away and you say, “I was in this bliss, but it went away.” But you are learning – yes denial and all – you are learning not to deny, not a feeling, but that sense of beingness because that is the truth of who you are. It is, you have this delightful expression of your unique form and capacity, but it is part and parcel of a greater whole.
So these illusions that are erected – and when I say illusions, too often humans, and particularly my beloved light workers, you tend to take this as a critique, as a criticism, and it is not meant or intended that way.
Some illusions are very personal. Some illusions are the collective constructs that you have accepted as firm reality when it is not. So you are breaking down both your internal mechanisms and the external walls of Jericho at the same time.
But what is required is this, “no reason.” That is the gentlest word I can use. For you to say, “I cannot be there because I am ill, because my body hurts me, because I am broke, because I am overly concerned with making money, because people are starving. I cannot be in the bliss when there are people suffering on the planet and being martyred and mutilated. I cannot be there when there is such injustice.”
All of these, in your realm, are not self-serving. So, do not think that when I say, “illusion” I mean being self-serving. I mean it as a form of denial, and the denial is you are denying yourself the bliss, the ecstasy, the unitive consciousness in order to address what you feel and believe are very real issues, when in fact allowing yourself into the unitive consciousness allows the solutions to simply blossom.
That is why I say, I do not need to come and to preach for 60,000 years. All if have need to do in order to serve you the way I wish is for you to allow the unity that was planted within you to come to the forefront, to not think that you have to strive and strive and strive to become what you already are.
And you say, “Lord, I am at sea and I am lost because you are speaking of this, and I know you speak the truth, but I have no idea how to get there.”
So let me address this. Your expanded being, your spiritual self, what you may think of as your higher self, your universal self, the seat of your soul, your soul design, does know. And that is what you have been working with in this process of being clarified, purified, cleansed, and brought into a state of grace.
Now, it is not merely the Mother or any of us who do this to you. We do this with you. We do this in the unity of our love. So how do you get there? You go into the depths of your being, into the depths of your heart – no, much deeper than any of you have traveled. Do not forget the Mother’s creations are infinite and you are already in the unified consciousness with us. So, what you are seeking is simply the realization of that.
So, think of it in this way: You have been traveling from Vancouver to Germany, or China, or India. And you have fallen asleep because it has been, and it is, a tiresome journey, and you awaken and you are completely disoriented. You do not know what time it is and you do not know that you have already landed. In this moment, in the deepest part of the seat of your soul, allow us to join with you in the fullness of this consciousness and basically flip the switch.
Steve: I’m just flipping a very big switch here, Lord. [laughing] In my mind I’m following you at every step, and I’m having trouble staying conscious, so to speak.
Maitreya: That is what I want.
Steve: [laughing] One of my big fears is right here on the radio, I’m going to have a spiritual experience. I probably shouldn’t be afraid of it: I should probably welcome it if it happens.
Two words that go together are unity and love. In other words, in all the channeled messages that are happening these days, there seems to be this linking of unity and love. Are universal love and unitive consciousness the same thing?
Maitreya: Pretty much.
Steve: So if we couldn’t get in unitive consciousness, we could switch over and put a little time in on cultivating universal love and still be going forward – is that correct?
Maitreya: That is absolutely correct. Because when you are in the unity, the universal love, it will deliver you. It is your airplane and it will deliver you where you wish to go. And I have used the example of us turning on the switch. Do not worry, my beloved friend, I will keep you conscious enough that you do not lose track.
Steve: [laughing] Thank you.
Maitreya: But, think of it, I use the switch, but think of it in this way: Because we are in the Mother’s tsunami – if a tsunami passes through an electrical dam do you not think the force of that tsunami is going to trigger each and every one of those switches? Of course it will. Yes, safety or no safety.
When you enter into the flow of the One – now, think of what I am saying – I am inviting you and I am telling you, you have already the program, the energy, the knowingness, the desire to do so, in you. So when you enter into this flow, not only with the deepest, highest, most sacred – because this is a sacred undertaking, the sacred part of yourself – you are at the same time allowing and entering into the flow of all that is.
Now, this seems to you, in this first conversation, that this is beyond imagination. It is beyond imagination, but, my beloved friends, it is not beyond your knowing and your wisdom that is firmly anchored within thee. So you want and you are allowing.
Now, at first you are going to restrict like an ant inspecting a blade of grass, you are going to restrict the quadrant of the All of the One. But you investigate, but you allow to flow with and through you and to explore – this is an exploration, an adventure, an adventure of ecstasy. But as you finish with that blade of grass there is an entire Omniverse.
Now, this feels for you almost so large that it is frightening. And that has been part of this useful – and I say that with reservation – this useful framework of denial, these illusions that were constructed: “Oh no, I am limited to the area of experience of beingness that I am entitled to.”
Now, even in your most logical dissertation, why would the Mother create limitation in her infinite, eternal expressions? You know that your soul, your being, your spirit, lives forever and is integrated back to the whole until such time as you decide in concert with the All to begin yet again. You know this. And yet you desire this. And you deny this. So stop the denial. Can I invite you? Try it my way for a while.
Steve: [laughing]
Maitreya: Shall we say several million years.
Steve: Thank you. I have this image in my mind of a swordsman who, at once is confident and lunges forward, and in the next moment is defensive and blocks and parries and what have you. Is that how we are being with love and with unity?
Maitreya: Yes. And it is based on long histories, both of the collective and your individual experience in this and other lifetimes, on and off planet. So it is that eloquent approach/avoidance, defense/offense.
But it is just a habit, and many of you have relinquished habits that don’t serve you. Well, this is one that I would heartily endorse letting go of. Because it is the bliss. It is what you have been waiting for. It is the expanded consciousness – not that you are earning – it is your birthright. It is the truth of who you are.
Steve: Hmm. We have five minutes remaining, Lord Maitreya, and I was wondering if we could take a look at the subject of fear because that’s clearly what stands between us in both universal love and unitive consciousness. The fear at basis is a fear of extinction, is it not?
Maitreya: No. Yes and no. It is, in your realm, what you think of as a fear of extinction. But it is also a fear of your magnificence.
Steve: Really?
Maitreya: Absolutely.
Steve: Boy, please explain that.
Maitreya: It is your fear: “If I do this, I will die. I will be extinguished.” And I do not simply mean extinguished in this life form, but I will be extinguished. “I will choose to dis-create myself or I will request to be dis-created.” So that is the fear part.
Another aspect of that fear part is: “What if I proceed in my journey of exploration and discovery and I discover there is nothing there. And that is soul, soul, soul-destroying that I will wish to be extinct as well.”
But, what if you find the magnificence of your being and all it entails in terms of the totality of your being? Then there is the fear: “Well, what if I find out that I didn’t measure up or that I can’t measure up? Or that I can’t fulfill the actions, responsibilities, the promises I have made? I would rather stay in the shadows and be safe and say I can’t see.” But you are denying yourself because you are afraid of what you may or may not be able to accomplish with your expanded self. So is it a fear? Yes. But it is an unfounded fear. “What if I love? What if I become the purest form of love? What if I become Maitreya, and I am simply love and yet I do not experience or know the love of others?”
Now, that is not possible, but that does not stop it from being a fear. “What if I give my all to love, and I find out the Mother doesn’t love me, or that I am not as wondrous as I think I am in her eyes, because there is so much?”
That is fear. And it is based on a limited view of what love is. Because it is All, it is everything. So you are afraid to proceed and you are afraid not to proceed. You are caught in the prison of your fear.
Steve: Frozen with fear. I am afraid I think I’m going to have to intervene because we’ve run out of time. But, I would like to ask you, is there any parting comment, any last thoughts you’d like to leave us with? And, also, I’d like to ask you to come again to continue this discussion, please.
Maitreya: I would be honored to continue this discussion because it is necessary, and it is part of my journey to assist you. I give you the keys to unlock the jail.
Steve: You most certainly have. Thank you very much for that, I’ll listen to this show again and again.
Maitreya: Go with my love, beloved friends and allies. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2015 Council of Love, Inc.