The Collective of Ascended Masters:

The Collective of Ascended Masters: The Days of Instant Manifestation Are Coming

Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

You are all on a journey that is about changing, transforming, becoming. It is a journey that is not about going to a different place and taking the same old you with you to that new place. Some people do have that idea about ascension. They think that if you put them in a better place, then they will be happier. If you put some people somewhere else who are bringing us all down, and put all the good ones over here in the fifth dimension and on this new Earth, then all problems will be solved in their minds.

However, when you recognize that shifting to a new level of consciousness and a new Earth is about changing you, then you are on the right track. Then you understand why you are here. You are there to experience that change within the self first, and that is why a spaceship doesn’t just land and take you who are ready to ascend all away to the better Earth. You are in the process of co-creating the new experience of life on Earth. It will be a continuation of this experience, a betterment of the tools that you have to work with.

You are honing and shaping your own skills and abilities right now through the evolution of your consciousness, and that is something that you engage in, whether you know it or not, every single day. Every single day, you are giving yourselves an opportunity to see something or someone differently. You present yourselves with another opportunity to change the way you think and feel about that situation, that nagging problem that keeps coming up for you over and over again.

You give yourselves opportunity after opportunity to grow and to become, not to stagnate and wait. You are the changemakers, and the change starts with you. Now, we know that many of you already know this, and we also are telling you this again because it is possible for you to begin to see the power and the impact of those changes you make within yourselves. It is now possible for you to experience the ripple effect and the boomerang effect that has always been in place but hasn’t always moved as quickly.

You can experience massive changes within your own life, within your community, within your country and within your world, because you’re shifting so rapidly now, and you’re jumping timelines, and you don’t have to fix a broken planet or mend all of your wounds to get to the new place. But from where you sit right now you can offer a high-vibrational thought, a feeling, an intention, even a desire that puts you on that timeline to experience more of that reality that you would like to see in the here and now. Maybe you’ll have to wait till tomorrow or next week but not an entire lifetime or even decades. Those days are long gone.

And the days of instant manifestation are coming. You’re moving towards that realm, and you make your way to that realm by being more attentive to the thoughts and feelings you are offering. Stay aware while also being kind, gentle and patient with yourselves, because even if you notice yourself going back down a track you’ve been down several times before, that can be so quickly undone with the next thought that you offer, with the next intention that you hold and with the next feeling that bubbles up within you.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.