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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, if I was explaining to you how the emotional body works. We’ve always seen it as an energy. Well, it always works energetically, but the emotional body has like a big console of several switches with all the emotions and we can regulate those emotions with our intention, with our thoughts.
All of that acts like a computer, like the signal to equalize and activate some emotion and the idea is that all those emotions are placed in the neutral, because there are emotions and all emotions have selection, guidelines of ups and downs. And the idea is that they are neither high nor low, but neutral.
The equalizer is who is giving the signal, working, the signal is being given by our power of intention, our inner power, inner energy and the intention we put to it. That works with a feedback control, and when we store information from certain situations with certain emotional responses, a link is created, a feedback that whenever we are subjected to certain situations, some type of emotion is activated.
But all that is programmed from the big brain, from the power of our intention and the idea now that you already know that it works like a big control, the idea is that you control it. Start placing all those high and low controls in neutral, zero, neutral. Emotional bodies can’t be either too high or too low, they have to be neutral.
And this is achieved from this control I tell you, in this loop going internally or going to deprogramming in a positive way all these feedback loops of this control panel that is, the emotional body.
You have to give more attention to positive emotions, leave negative emotions in neutral. The positives give more attunement, above all to love, peace, joy, goodwill. Those emotions have to be tuned well to a level that also agrees, no one can do it for you.
You can achieve it yourselves with intention.
Because those memories remain in a file, in a memory, in a common server that is there and the idea is to clean that server of all those negative emotions and start programming with positive emotions, regulate, replace negative emotion, give it its opposite, its antonym and leave always regulating, because extremes are not recommended.
You guys have a cyber system that I will explain in more detail later. A biological cybernetic system which must be understood from the physiology of human bodies.
At the level of awareness they had, the information was given to him, but in a way that could be understood by everyone, but as now we are already in the technological age, many handle many terms of memory, servers, the cloud, all that they manage, even already the new guys coming, they come better prepared in that knowledge, because they already come with another level of higher consciousness and understand how it works, because they already know intrinsically that they are beings controlled by a technology.
In fact I tell you, that you have reserves of memories, artificial intelligence in your systems, that I will explain later.
Now I just want to talk about the emotional body so they understand it and know they can regulate it. You can work your emotions by self-regulating them. Because you guys have the control of all those devices to regulate the control of your sick negative emotions.
I quit, I’m Kryon of the Magnetic Service.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 23/10/2024