The 9D Arcturian Council:Mass Awakenings Are Comin

The 9D Arcturian Council: Mass Awakenings Are Coming

Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source

Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been witnessing humanity’s evolution for quite some time now, and we want to tell you that we understand that it is hard for you all to notice it from where you are sitting, but we also would like for you to accept that we can acknowledge your growth and evolution as a human race. We can measure these things. We can feel the tone of your vibration, and we know when you have up-leveled. You will continue to do so, and things like war will become something of your past, a distant memory. But for now, where you are is where you are, and the first step in getting to where you want to be is that acknowledgement and acceptance of where you are. 

You must accept that war and poverty and hunger and violence and hatred and racism, are being created by you. That’s a tough first step for an awakened person to make, because there are so many who are saying that someone else is doing it. It’s the government or it’s the cabal. It’s the media’s fault. But when you take ownership of your creation and acknowledge that what you are creating today is much better than it was five hundred years ago, then you can experience the catapulting forward of your consciousness.

When you have both in place, you are seeing clearly. You are seeing through the eyes of someone who acknowledges that they are a Source Energy Being and that they are the creator of their reality. It’s good to take credit and it’s good to take responsibility. Now, where you are moving into won’t be a surprise for most of you who are awake. You have already stepped into the galactic age, but you will be knowing yourselves as a part of a galactic community soon enough. 

That too will be happening, not because of disclosure, not because ‘they’ can’t hide it from you anymore. It will be coming because of the positive steps forward that you all have made. Now, without getting a very big spiritual ego here, you can take responsibility for being on the leading edge of this consciousness evolution. You can take credit for it. You can know that you have been a part of that driving force that is resulting in humanity’s readiness for this kind of occurrence. 

We would like for you to acknowledge yourselves because we know it puts you in a higher-vibrational state and that the higher-vibrational state then serves you in so many ways. You can relax and know that you don’t have to do it all and at the same time acknowledge that you are creating it all because you create with more than just your hands and your tools, with your time, your energy and your effort. 

And it is time for all of you who are able to receive this message to recognize that others will be looking up to you and following in your footsteps. There are more mass awakenings coming, and you will be the leaders, the guides, the teachers to those who are newly awake. 

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.