Message from Arcturian Collective, Elthor & Fairies via Galaxygirl, July 21st, 2018

Arcturian Collective, Elthor & Fairies 7/21/2018
Greetings dear ones, we are the Arcturian Collective here on this fine day to welcome you to your new world. The
We are the Arcturian Collective and it has been our joy to connect with you today. We encourage you to visualize breathing in joy frequencies during your meditations as it will enhance your current earthly experience. We are the Arcturian Collective. We are one.
I am Elthor the dragon. We dragons speak now. For too long our words have been silenced and our memories sullied. We dragons are time chasers, time riders. We ride on the winds of new possibilities of new timelines and we see all. We see many things all at once and you too, human, will have this ability as you see through the timeline matrix and step out of it as a master, to see with truly wise and
We are powerful, as you are
Ah, you are weary. You
Let us try flying, shall we? It always makes me feel better, fuller of joy, as you literally soar above whatever is assailing you. You can do this at any time in your
Feel the cold wind through your scales, invigorating you. And now we alight on the tallest of the mountains for the grandest look of all. Mountains are old souls, they are wise. They have much to say for they see all things for so many millennia. Gaia is a treasure trove of experience and wisdom. Human, you have so much support. Can you yet see this? Accept this support, and be liberated in it. Remain here as long as you like. And as your meditation ends bring this dragon energy of life force, of freedom, of power, and of love, back into your little human form, invigorated and revitalized for yet another day of creation. All is well. It is time that you begin to see yourselves clearly, as we dragons see you. I am Elthor the dragon. I come in peace and I leave you with it.
Hello! We are the fairies, and we are delighted to have this opportunity to connect with our human friends
For it is true, for as we have the honor and privilege of living upon her, then we too must have the honor and privilege of
For we absorb her breath as we caretake her flowers and trees and rocks, for they are a part of her, they are a part of us and we are all one big beautiful creation of loveliness and it is such a joy to
We are the fairies and we love