PALAS ATENA GODDESS OF TRUTH ~ “Everything is already planned for the arrests. We cannot give more details about it for obvious reasons, but soon you will know the faces, the faces of those villains, those demons that have kept them oppressed, enslaved and controlled”
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I am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth and I greet you from my heart. I wanted to give you a message and I want you all to understand the object of this message.
I say to this humanity that they have lived in a lie, in illusion, they have lived in reality that has no truth, because the only truth lies in their hearts. Because everything outside is an illusion, you see it, it’s real, but it’s a simulated reality, it’s an illusion.
The world has been subjected and has been suspended by the threads of illusion, by this matrix that was created, and that was placed by the previous administration, let’s call it that, by the negative forces. Because already these forces, by force have nothing, because they are already diminished, they are exposed to the light.
Many truths have already arrived and have been revealed and humanity is learning to cut those threads that were holding them back from this great lie.
Truth must be enforced and must prevail on this planet anyway. Everything will come to light, I’ve already told you in other occasions. That truth that is the real truth lies in your hearts, that inner world that you really connect when you enter that sacred place. Yes, that’s the truth that’s the true reality, but this outside that’s fading already, isn’t true.
But let’s call it, the truth of this lie will come out and we are in that my beloved.
Little by little it has been bringing to light and knowledge of this humanity, many truths of this great lie and that is why many are understanding and comprehending the vile deception they have been subjected to for so long. Let them wait, let them wait, because we’re on the doorstep of finding out more details.
They are preparing together with the White Hats team, the corresponding arrests of all those heads that will be worn and exposed for all to see and know. Perhaps to many, none of those had ever been known or heard of, but when they see their true faces, they’ll be terrified.
It cannot be that, for so, for so long, they have made this humanity suffer, who has rather had resistance, strength and courage, to withstand the attacks. Those struggles have been strong, but now they will know and understand, and that will give them greater strength, greater strength and greater courage and they will understand that really inside, the truth is inside there.
That world you connect internally, which will soon manifest itself fully, but for now is only accessible in meditation, in contemplation, in deep prayer.
Beloveds, it’s time to come out of that great lie, it’s Time for all to know and know all the evil they were subjected to, all the deceptions. It’s time for everyone to pay for the evil they have done.
Everything is already planned for the arrests. We can’t give more details about it for obvious reasons, but soon you will know the faces, the faces of those villains, those demons who have kept them oppressed, enslaved and controlled.
Everything is prepared, we are waiting for details, logistics to check out, to give this powerful information to everyone.
The way and manner we do it will be known to you. Fear not because everything is fully organized and prepared for this big day.
I bid farewell, I am Palas Athena, Goddess of Truth.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 8/11/2024