The Telosians: The End of an Earthly Civilization

The Telosians: The End of an Earthly Civilization

Channel: Marie Jose Andichou | Source

We are happy to see you again, dear children of the Earth. The joy is within us to be able to support you, to help you understand what is happening in your earthly life. We are going to talk to you again about what is happening within your earthly society. As you can see, there are more and more violent events and this brings misunderstandings into your minds. Why, you ask, are there so many events like this?

We have already talked about this in previous posts. What is happening is the end of a world of debasement of the earth’s population.

We explain: As you know, your planet and your humanity are evolving even if you don’t feel like it. As every time there is evolution in one or more earthly civilizations, there is a certain indispensable chaos so that the old, having become useless, is fragmented and bursts into a thousand pieces to make way for renewal and the New. Light.

What is happening now is the end of an earthly civilization but, unlike what happened during the fall of certain civilizations in your past, this one is of unparalleled strength and power. We explain: It comes at a certain moment that it is important that terrestrial humanity no longer remains in complicated feelings, in a duality which brings darkness into the life of the Earth and its humanity.

Currently, it is more than necessary to be in tune with the evolutionary energies of the Earth, that humanity transforms itself. But as it is difficult for a part of humanity, immersed for millennia in the duality created by humans who wish to keep you in the baseness of feelings, it is important that all this stops. But so many disturbing feelings, so much duality passed down from generation to generation for millennia cannot be dissolved overnight.

Faced with the strength and power of the Celestial Energies which envelop the Earth and its humanity, human bodies, human minds are greatly disturbed and a large number of you, no longer knowing where they are, totally “disoriented” like you say, only find what seems to them to be their salvation through violence. By this they eliminate part of these energies which should normally bring them peace and understanding of life, they eliminate these energetic weights by carrying out acts of violence.

How, then, can we make humanity understand that life needs to be lived gently, with the understanding of an earthly and human change beneficial to all? This seems very delicate at the moment. But there is also, as you know, the strength of those who wish to see humanity decline so as to have control over each human being. These times of difficulty created by the world government, such as wars, illnesses created from scratch, etc. do not help matters. There will therefore still be disruptions desired by the governments of many countries so as to be able to maintain their power over you.

But, we tell you, all these disruptive states of control over your beings will gradually ease and disappear in the months to come. We ask you to be confident in the peace that will gradually settle on your planet. This will not happen tomorrow but, already, in the few months to come you will realize the disappearance of some of those who wanted at all costs, for their well-being, to see earthly humanity reduced to little. human beings on Earth.

We have already talked about this in our previous messages. Mistakes will be made by a certain number of them, errors which will do them a disservice and will make you understand the true reality of the characters who wanted to rule your world.

Dear children of the Earth, trust in Life, in your Divine Being, in the Light that is within you, let it vibrate and radiate as much as possible within you and rejoice in seeing the New Earth present itself to you gradually.

We love you.