The Andromeda Intergalactic Council: The Divine Pl

The Andromeda Intergalactic Council: The Divine Plan is Happening Now

Channel: Chellea Wilder | Source

Greetings in the Light, and Love of our Infinite Creator,

We appreciate you connecting with us today.

Recent observations, have pointed towards a remarkable surge in cosmic energies, engulfing the Earth, in these moments.

This influx of cosmic energies is not merely random, but is directed by The Infinite Creator, implementing the Divine Plan. This Divine intervention is to carry profound Transformation for Earth and Humanity.

The intricate interplay between these celestial energies and Earth’s own energetic field is triggering a series of shifts and transformations on various levels.

As these cosmic energies continue to permeate the Earth’s atmosphere, their influence on humanity is becoming increasingly visible.

This Divine Energetic Intervention is to lift the Earth and Humanity beyond the Material realms, and into the 5th degree spectrum of the higher light.

You are now experiencing these energies full force. Each of you are experiencing them differently. Some seem to traverse with ease, while others seem to struggle every step of the way.

These heightened 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional Frequencies are truly remarkable in their transformative potential. They hold within them the power to bring forth profound inner growth, and trigger an intense spiritual awakening within individuals.

Embracing these divine energies requires a willingness to open oneself up to change, and to shift one’s perspective on Life itself.

It demands a conscious effort to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace a more expansive view of reality. By doing so, one can tap into the vibrations of Oneness, experiencing a deeper interconnected nature.

It is crucial to approach these energies with an open heart and a positive mindset.

Resisting or rejecting them, out of the state of being in fear or negativity, will only hinder the transformative process.

Instead, one must welcome these frequencies with love and acceptance, allowing them to uplift and elevate one’s being. Therefore, to fully benefit from these heightened frequencies, one must cultivate a state of receptivity and openness. By aligning oneself with the vibrations of love and positivity, one can harness the true potential of these divine energies, and embark on a journey of Inner-discovery and spiritual evolution.

For those already within the Higher vibrations, you are now feeling heightened sensitivity, having more vivid dreams, and are having deep spiritual introspection. As you navigate through this period of heightened energetic activity, relax, spend time going within, and breathe. Breathe in, these Divine Energies of Love.

The impact of this Energy Influx is expected to intensify in the days to come, leading to further changes in the collective consciousness and the energetic landscape of Earth. As you move forward, it is essential to remain open and receptive to these Divine energies, allowing them to guide you towards a higher state of awareness and harmony, lifting you Higher within the natural rhythms of the cosmos.

The Divine Intervention is happening in these very moments. Allow the Infinite Creators Energies, to engulf you in Love and Light.

We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you.

In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.

We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.