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Greetings loved ones from my heart. Memories are archived in our hearts, our DNA is the driver. Those memories are there, but they’re stored, they’re guarded like saving a file that encrypts the information. Maybe many have them there, but since they are encrypted, they are very secure, even though they may have memories of those memories, but they are there, it’s like opening the file and taking them out again, but the file is still there.
Now at this moment, in these healings when all those memories work, it’s like we decrypt them and begin to be released, released, there will no longer be those files of those memories.
But it was important that you go to know the files of those memories that come out and not to make you sad, but rather to remove and release from you all those negative memories from that server, which are already memories, they are very old files that are useless.
So they begin to release files, because each file is classified and it is necessary that all release those memories of those encrypted files there that have already been opened with those healings and that now begin to blossom, to surface, become evident, but not for sadness, but to clear them, to release them. That’s the purpose of all those files that served as experience to the soul, but they no longer serve. That’s all cleared. Released.
And so the soul expands to other horizons, expands to release all that and raise its frequency. ‘Cause those memories anchored there, are like a rock in a balloon that wants to rise. Some heavier than others, and you have to go dropping every stone so that the globe rises on the horizon and give thanks.
Give thanks, do the Ho’ponopono, feel that this liberation is done for the greater good of each soul. As he told them, there is a time for purification, a time for cleaning and perhaps things, experiences that were kept there so much, that caused them pain that they did not know from where and now it is the time to get them out, to release them.
With the healings they are opening, they are decrypting all those files so they can be healed, so they can be freed. Go on, don’t feel sorrow or sorrow. They were experiences of the soul, they were situations that the soul decided to live. Took the positive and now we have to release all the negative from those bitter experiences.
Beloved, we are in the times, purification time. That’s why I tell you all, come and get healed, start removing the stones from those balloons so they can rise. Stone by stone they will emerge to be set free.
Beloved Archangel Michael can help you. The Blue Team, the Violet Team and the Holy Emerald Command Team, we are all together poured into this planetary moment, so that all, all the children of the Father Mother release, heal and rise to the horizon like those balloons, like those souls that fly free.
This is how the soul feels after releasing all those negative memories. But it is necessary to recognize them, release them and heal them.
Well my beloveds, I leave this message for you to understand the process. Because many light beings are living this experience and feel sad, nostalgic and sometimes not knowing why and aside from all the energy that is entering, that is entering the planet is helping to decipher those codes.
The energy that enters is helping to decipher the information and those who arrive to the Emerald Ship, to these cameras with this energy together with all the energy of the attendees, the team that accompanies me, helps them greatly.
That’s why we are poured into this mission at this great time with much love to help all the souls of Father Mother to rise like balloons, raise their frequency, raise their vibration.
We love you all infinitely, because we are all part of the same, of the same great consciousness and we are all here in this great mission, each from his trench and we have to help each other. The one who can the most, helps the least, and so we are all helping each other.
I Say Goodbye, I Am Mahindra, I Am MahIndra, I Am The Mother Mahindra.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 21/10/2024