Ashtar's Message: "Get up in the LoveLight and CONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELF, because that's where you get the Higher Dimensional Perspective! That's where you get the power - the empowerment, the strength - to get up and out of the dumpies! Now Sananda can connect you in His LoveLight sessions..."

Download the mp3 to experience and begin to learn Sananda's "Healing Hands of LoveLight Meditation." Relax into the bliss of His Love and feel the High Energies! Then you can practice the Meditation and re-experience these Energies by continuing to listen to it. Within two weeks after you order the mp3, we will email you "The Path," which Sananda has given to assist your learning. This is a document which gives written directions to guide you. And, you will be invited to attend our Re-Union calls!*
LoveLight is the most powerful energy in the Universe! It is the very Life Force from which we are all made, and this Meditation is a means for you to access more of it, to literally expand yourself with it completely, throughout all of your energy fields. Further, as Sananda guides you through it, he will connect you with your Higher Dimensional Self, Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms, our Creator, and with all beings of LoveLight in the Universe!
This is not just another healing tool, but it can be used by all - including healing practitioners, in order to further energize their work. It carries only the very Highest frequencies of Love and Love's creations! The Meditation is comprehensive. When you first experience it, it will take 53 minutes for Sananda to take you along its Path. However, with practice, you can bring in the LoveLight very quickly to empower whatever High vibe clearings, healings and resolutions you are choosing to create - there are no limits!
"The effect of the Meditation on me is very strong, goes deep within. The white love light energy has lifted me up so much and after a week I am on quite a new level of frequency all the time." E.G., Sweden
"I felt every cell being lit up with LoveLight, I was buzzing from head to toe. I felt limitless and expansive!...C.C., HI, USA
"I found it to be very healing. I will listen to the recording for healing in the future." P.F., Canada
"Thank you for this beautiful happening!" A.R., The Netherlands
"...The energy of Love is SO powerful, beautiful and breath-taking in its pure simplicity. It is staying with me, doing its work to heal." A.B., CT, USA
Please Note: The total cost for this is $50 per person, and there is NO POSTAGE CHARGE. Click here to order the mp3: FOLLOW-UP RE-UNION CALLS!
ALL mp3 and group session participants will receive an invitation from Stanley, our Coordinator, to our Re-Union conference calls. (If you have done a private session with Sananda, and have not previously requested an invitation, please email me.) Our Re-Union calls are for you to ask questions and share experiences, and we do the Healing Hands of LoveLight together to access the Golden Grid of High Dimensional Oneness. During our Meditation, Sananda comes in to give us His loving Blessings!
"...I saw us connecting through our hearts to the middle of the circle and a pillar of Light grew strong between us, going up and down..."M.G., Norway
"During the time of meditation it was shown to me in my vision a chain of golden beings seating in a half circle in front of Dear Sananda. As he said we are one with all, I am feeling as one and I am still in that Light..." D.D., FL, USA
"Thank you so much. It was wonderful. I appreciated so much all the effort and folk involved in the Re Union and of course Beloved Sananda." M.F., Australia
"Another wonderful Reunion call! What amazing energy was in the Meditation that we did! The closing Blessing touched my Heart! Thank you and Sananda for a perfect call!..." A.P. N.H., USA
"Thank you, all your team and Sananda for the reunion, it did clear up a few points for me." C.P. U.K.
Blessings, Love and Peace, Susan :)
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2016. All rights reserved.