“Let go of falsehood swiftly and move on. Hold on to the truth and to peaceful feelings. Be in integrity with your sacred heart always, no matter what. It is the easiest and most graceful way to proceed in these times of transition.
Allow yourselves to just be – loving – for this is your natural state, and see how easily more inspiration and creativity comes to you. When you follow this love flow and the direction in which the light is pointing, you will uncover so many talents that you never knew you had.
And there are times when you will be nudged to get an essential piece of self into that puzzle of your multidimensional being. And so you will be propelled into a completely new level of beingness, starting exciting work and adventures that you would never have dreamed yourselves as being capable of taking on.” Archangel Gabrielle (channeled by Genoveva Coyle)
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.