The Galactic Federation: Synchronize with the Rhyt

The Galactic Federation: Synchronize with the Rhythm

Channel: Chellea Wilder | Source

Blessings, we are the Galactic Federation.

We have been previously offering, the Ascension Event Update through this Ambassador. However, she has requested a more regular energy update for those who wish to enhance their personal vibrational connections, with all of the current cosmic energies that are engulfing the Earth.

We are very graciously excepting the offer, as we Love to commune with you.

In this moment on your Earth, you are experiencing many different Energies, coming in at all Angles. But at the base of all these other energies, is a much more intense Vibration that over-rides all the others.

Depending on your on Earth, you are currently experiencing a seasonal shift. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is Autumn, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it is Spring. These transitions, occurring at this point in the Earth’s annual cycle, are known as the Equinox.

The Equinox represents a significant moment in the year when you are either planting the seeds for future outcomes or reaping the benefits of your past efforts.

For those in the Northern Hemisphere, this is a time to celebrate nature’s abundance, symbolizing the culmination of hard work and dedication, that was invested during the Spring season. It is an opportunity to harvest the rewards of both the literal crops from the land, and the symbolic fruits of your labor, and aspirations.

For those in the Southern Hemisphere, you are currently planting the seeds for manifesting your dreams and aspirations. You will witness the outcomes of your efforts during the upcoming Harvest season.

Your Ancient civilizations viewed the changing seasons as more than just physical transitions. They perceived them as symbolic representations of life’s continuous journey. Each solstice and equinox held a deeper meaning, guiding individuals through their spiritual growth.

Your Indigenous communities, even going on today, revere the earth’s wisdom, recognizing the profound teachings embedded in the cyclical nature of the seasons. They understood that aligning with these natural rhythms, would lead to personal transformation and enlightenment.

By embracing the lessons of the changing seasons, individuals can embark on a spiritual journey of inner-awareness and spiritual evolution, guided by the wisdom of the earth and the cosmos.

The term “equinox” itself comes from your Latin, meaning “equal night,” symbolizing the roughly equal lengths of day and night on these two days of the year.

It is a time to honor the balance and appreciate the changes that time brings.

Connecting your awareness to the natural cycles of your Earth allows you to synchronize with the rhythm of life itself. Just as the seasons change and evolve, so do your own life cycles.

Autumn is a season of abundance and fruition, a time to reap the rewards of your efforts and celebrate growth. While Spring is the season for beginning new endeavors and sowing the seeds for a better way of being.

By aligning yourselves with these energies, you will embrace the cyclical nature of life on Earth, understanding that every phase is essential for your evolution.

Embracing the Fall and the Spring Equinox, as a moment of reflection, and transformation, can be a powerful practice. Through simple acts like lighting a candle and expressing gratitude, you can shift your consciousness from a place of scarcity to one of abundance. This act not only cultivates a sense of appreciation for what you already have, but also opens the door to new possibilities and many new blessings.

The Autumn and Spring Equinox signifies the activation of a new cycle of growth for those who are aware on their spiritual path.

Take time to acknowledge your life cycle and spiritual journey, by honoring your growth and inner Light…

Embracing the Equinox is an invitation to dive into the rhythms of nature and the interconnectedness of all life. It is a time to reflect on the abundance, and a time to sow new Ideas, both in the physical world and within yourselves.

As the leaves either sprout or Fall from the trees, you are being reminded, When you shed the old, it allows space for new growth and transformation to take place.

Embrace these expressions of your Mother Earth, as She, and Humanity, are being lifted in the Light, of the Infinite Creator.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.