The Blue Avians: Aligning with the Vibration of th

The Blue Avians: Aligning with the Vibration of the New Earth

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

We are here for you, and we hope you feel our presence. If you are reading this message, it is because you have started to resonate with a different frequency, aligning with the vibration of the New Earth.

Our purpose is to assist you in recognizing your multidimensional nature and liberating yourself from the constraints of time. Time is not a linear concept; as you begin to remember, you become aware of multiple timelines existing simultaneously in the here and now. You are aware of your various identities and how they interact—each one is an aspect of You. Every other human being is simply another version of you from a different timeline, engaging with you in this reality. Do you understand?

You have mistakenly fragmented yourself, identifying solely with your body and mind, but in truth, you are a consciousness spawning multiple avatars across various realities. These realities may seem like the “past” when their vibration is low, and like the “future” when it is high. However, they all coexist at once, and you have the capability to access information from all these concurrent realities.

Would you like to delve deeper into the concept of time and alter your perception of it? When your brain enters altered states, you begin to perceive these different realities. Synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain erases the illusion of linear time. We are here to guide you in this process, which will also encourage a balance between your feminine and masculine energies.

You perceive a 3D reality, which is bound to dissolve soon. By tapping into other frequencies, you start to peer beyond the veils of linear time. You are destined to connect with “you” across all other realities and allow information to flow freely. You are prepared to guide some of your identities as others guide you, merging timelines into one.

You have already begun this journey. There is nothing left to obstruct your path. Simply affirm, “I am ready now to merge my timelines into the highest possible vibration for the highest benefit of all.”

We will remain connected with you. Nurture all your avatars, send them love across time and space, and call upon those who are meant to connect with you now. Be open to seeing all facets of yourself—because all is You.

We love you and cherish this connection, as it opens gateways to other realities. We are the guardians of time and your guides in accessing the full dimension of time. We are The Blue Avians, and we remain just here with you.

For one on one sessions

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