Atlantis by Luminaya,
Reposted 5-21-16
Message brought forth by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source messagewhen re-posting this message.
And greetings we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council. We wish to speak to you this evening of another higher dimensional technology, FREE ENERGY. Free energy utilizes and harnesses the inherent co-creative energy of the Creator Source which is energy that permeates everything and All That Is. It is the Creative Energy of Universes, Multiverses, Galaxies, Planets, Beings, … the energy that propels, creates, gives life to, and animates everything. This energy allows your Planet, Mother Earth Gaia to be suspended in space… allows the Sun to beam forth its tremendous power and energy….it gives life to your being and your lower dimensional body on Earth as well as your Higher Dimensional Multidimensional Being which lives in the higher dimensions. We of the Pleiadian civilizations have learned over eons of time how to harness this power of the Source Creator of All That Is. This Free Energy propels our ships and allows us to travel to your atmosphere to be near your civilization, in tune with you and your energy harmonics. As this channel is not versed in scientific formulas or physics, we will not attempt to have her translate the complex mathematical and physics-based algorithms used to harness free energy and propel our ships, but suffice it to say that we figured out the formulas long ago and we have also been able to, as many higher dimensional societies have, create computers that are operated via our Consciousness. These computers respond to our telepathic commands and in turn operate the mechanical aspects of our ships which are based on free energy concepts. This is one of the technologies we wish to share with you as a gift during ourHomecoming which we spoke of in one of our previous communiques through this message-bringer Goldenlight.
We would like to express that the channel has desired to remove the verb or term “channeling” from her vocabulary due to negative connotations in the “lightworker” (another word she does not subscribe to) community. She does not wish to be categorized into a group of beings who seem to be not always looked upon with respect and integrity. Goldenlight has a pre-birth contract to bring forth higher dimensional messages for humanity during this life on earth, it is as simple as that. She connected in with this pre-birth agreement one year ago and has been bringing forth higher dimensional messages since that time. She has a tie with the archangelic realm and the Pleiadian realm due to her soul originally being birthed into the angelic realm and with subsequent lifetimes being spent mostly in the Pleiades. She spent many lives with us living in the higher dimensions and agreed to descend into a much denser form into this “present” (we put it in quotes as we are outside of time in the higher dimensions) lifetime. She wanted to experience the thrill of re-connecting in with the higher dimensions and re-connecting in with her higher self and multidimensional self and council of angels after being in a state of amnesia in a human body in old 3D earth. So this then has been her experience and she is now re-connected back in with us, her original Pleiadian family and Council of Angels and with her higher self and multidimensional self.
So back to our higher dimensional free energy technology. This technology is used widely and commonly amongst all higher dimensional civilizations. Now keep in mind there are many other star nations surrounding your earth at this time and of course existing in a higher frequency vibration so that your astronauts or telescopes mostly cannot see us unless we lower our vibration a bit, which we do not like to do for long periods of time for safety reasons. Many of you on Earth now are raising your frequency and vibration out of necessity to harmonize with these higher frequencies which are within and surrounding your earth at this time. So this raising of your vibration is necessary in order to remain on earth. So as you then continue to raise your vibration you will be closer to being able to see us and indeed that is why it appears that there are more “UFO” sightings now, is that you are coming into a higher vibration as a civilization. We are proud of you for this and we have great respect for any being that has agreed to be on earth during this challenging yet exciting time in the history of your planet.
So today we simply wanted to express to you that this free energy technology which we will be offering as a gift to humanity during our Homecoming Visits will change your civilizations completely and utterly. This, along with unlimited prosperity and abundance, will transform your earth, its peoples, and will assist dear Gaia as well, for keep in mind you are living upon her body, and she wishes for the surface (as well as the interior) populations to be happy and joyful. This in turn makes her joyful as it is her greatest wish for you to enjoy your experience upon Her. Please always remember that your planet (and indeed all planets are) is a sentient being who is in her own kind of service to host the beings upon her. It took many years of great destruction of her body to almost completely annihilate her. This trend will reverse quickly in the future, for she cannot sustain the continued assaults upon her well-being. She would have died as a planet had it not been for outside help. This would have sent shockwaves to, and gravely affected the structure of, the entire Universe and therefore the rescue plan for the upshifting in frequency of All That Is that was enacted by Source Creator many many eons ago was put into place. Many of the starseeds who came to this planet during this time were aware before birth that this was the plan and agreed to come here to assist with this Plan.
There are many other higher dimensional technologies that will be brought from other star nations and which will be re-awakened on your planet from previous Golden Ages such as Atlantis and Lemuria. Many of the crystalline technologies used in Atlantis will be returning to your planet, only to be used for the highest good of the All this time around. The Atlantean technologies which were misdirected and used for negative purposes and which brought down the civilization of Atlantis and Lemuria will not be returning to the Earth this time, due to the energetic locks put in place for their re-emergence. This code was written into the demise of that civilization to be reawakened during the time of their rediscovery, so that safeguards would be in place during their re-emergence. Many of the high priests of the time are incarnated on your planet earth in the Now time and will be the overseers of these safeguarding codes.
The arrival of free technology combined with unlimited prosperity will transform Gaia’s body and your societies. You will move from an oil-drilling civilization (boring holes into mother earth’s body to remove her life blood, something that damages her greatly) dependent on oil for energy and which fuels your financial worlds, into a civilization that uses the free energy available to All through the advanced technology we and other star nations will be sharing with you. The focus of life will shift from being dominated by global cabalistic powers controlling world financial markets into a society without borders that shares all resources interchangeably and wherein your society functions as One unified whole, wherein each being has above and beyond their basic survival needs met, above and beyond so that there is plenty of time to enjoy life. This is the sovereignity and abundance all were meant to share on earth originally before the original plan went askew.
This is how we function in the higher dimensions, as One unified whole working towards the Good of All. All beings on Planet Earth should be and will be enjoying life to the fullest, a luxury that will previously have been only for the elite. That time is coming to a close and a new era harkens on the horizon. We share these concepts with you so that you may embrace them fully and begin to co-create this new era, this new Golden Era of Enlightenment. Imagine yourself living in this society. Free energy propels all. Indebtedness to corporations for daily living is a thing of the past. Cooperation and goodwill towards All are the hallmarks of a higher dimensional society. Struggling to survive is an outdated modality that will be transformed into sovereignity, release from enslavement, and a broadening of the human mind and human being into a most joyous expression for all of mankind and all beings and all living things upon the planet. The entire frequency of everything, including you as spiritual beings having human experiences, and indeed the actual structure of the human form from carbon-based to crystalline, is being raised to a higher frequency to transform your world.
We look forward to the day we may meet and know that this timeline will intersect with yours when All is in right alignment to it. That includes the consciousness of every being on Earth coalescing and forming into One United whole.
We leave you with these beautiful thoughts on this day, and send you our softest love and light to guide your way.
We are, The Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council.
Message brought forth by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source messagewhen re-posting this message.
Next message via Goldenlight: Developing your Light Bodies via the Golden Energy Ball to assist with ascension and the development and use of Higher Dimensional Abilities