Dear ones,
The energies on planet earth are explosive at the moment. Major changes are underway.
For many people around the world life as they knew it is ending and people are standing at the culprit being forced to build something new.
Where are these energies pushing you to go to? Which phase of your life is ending?
Are you confused about whether this is a happy or sad ending? Rest assured, what is happening is in alignment to serve your highest and best good.
It’s no longer a secret that the governments worldwide have somewhat ruined the way we were living our lives up until now.
I’d like to invite you to take a neutral look at how you were living your life and examine whether you were living from the heart, acting from integrity and if you can truly say that you were being your authentic self.
The way we were living life on planet earth was not headed in the best direction and if we come together in truth and light then we must admit those lifestyles weren't sustainable any longer.
We prayed for it and now we must prepare for it. We have been waiting for Ascension for years and some of us even for decades. We have been dreaming and talking about new earth, wishing 5D could come sooner.
But guess what, 5D is now here. New earth is now here. We just can’t see it yet. The ball is in our courts. We are the ones who must raise their frequency to adjust to the new vibratory level of the fifth-dimensional reality that is now here available on planet Gaia. We have to tune in to be able to see it and live in it.
Behind the scenes, while we were so distracted with a falsely created narrative of a deadly virus that is not deadly at all, planet Terra is ascending and evolving into planet Erra.
Goddess Gaia is giving birth to a new creation. She is now calling all her children to build and create new lives, new homes, new schools, new health systems, new food supply systems, and new businesses that are based on full 5D integrity, uncompromised authenticity, and created with the highest honor for earth and life.
You will find the fifth-dimensional reality beyond the veil of fear.
The mother goddess of creation is asking you to step into your divine creator powers. She is asking you to stop being scared and afraid and START DOING from the heart.
The time that we have waited for has finally arrived. It does not matter anymore what happens in politics or what our government will decide next. The only thing that matters is the number of enlightened people who are ready to step into their 5D CREATOR roles.
If you have lost your job, your home, your business, or simply your lifestyle that you had gotten used to then this is your wake-up call. Find land, grow food, and build a community based on real values.
How much longer do you want to waste by watching the narrative and waiting for this or that to happen? It is not going to change the fact that if you want to live on 5D earth you must step into action and start to create it.
There is a utopia of unconditional love, harmony, peace, compassion, and absolute freedom awaiting our arrival. But do not mistakenly think that it will be served on silver plates for us.
We have all the power. We hold the reins. We and we alone are in charge.
You are in the driver's seat and the road ahead is forked. One way leads to the old world that is crumbling and dying. The other road leads to the five-dimensional new earth. AKA Heaven on Earth. Which Direction do you choose?
Do not fear, you are divinely guided, protected, and assisted.
5D earth won't be established in metropolis any time soon.
No matter what the false light preachers say when they're on meth and other drugs channeling Reptilian shapeshifters.
It's up to you whether you continue to follow the comfort zone of "all is love and light and we all will ascend" even in the middle of a metropolis that belongs to the cabal leaders who are pushing hard for their agenda of transhumanism which will come to metropolis first and foremost.
Don't wait for it to happen to you. It is you who has to make it happen.
You are the family of light. The most powerful beings of our universe. You are here for a reason. The time has come to fulfill your assignment.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation