Divine Mother via Linda Dillon, May 1st, 2020

I am an incredibly patient Mother, but the time has come for the restoration of my Plan, which was your plan, and that is why you are here.
Another channelled gem shared by Irene from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.
Divine Mother ~ The Creator Race and Awakening the Collective
You have been at this, yes, with me, with … for thousands and thousands of years. You are part of the original Creator Race.
Think of it in this way.
When I spoke eons ago with Gaia and she assumed this planetary form for me, this was intended to be a beautiful planet for my angels to play on. So Gaia gladly assumed a different form – the perfect form – for my sweet angels to come and have a different kind of physical experience of love. In that, there was an original group…. Sometimes this is misconstrued or misunderstood so I wish to clarify this with you… My angels came into form, assumed humanoid form, to have this experience of angels in a different reality.
The only reason this potential, this option, was created was simply for them to play and to have what you think of as a physical experience, a human experience. That very first group of angels that came, that I sent, that volunteered, that were anxious, excited, happy, who came to Gaia, were called the Creator Race – in fact, that is where the oft-misunderstood reference point of 144,000 comes from – and that Creator Race was simply here to do, to know, to experience and to express love. That was it!
And, yes, this is the thing about free will which I will not interfere with, whether it is with my beautiful mighty Archangels or you. So many – not all – but there was a group who decided they wished to control the angels and distort the Plan, to declare themselves as God upon my beautiful Gaia, and this led to such distortion… abomination… which has unfolded for thousands and thousands and thousands of years, as you well know.
I am an incredibly patient Mother, but the time has come for the restoration of my Plan, which was your plan, and that is why you are here. You transmit to everyone you meet this sense of strength, of clarity, of power – and you are not afraid of it, as many humans are, because you know and you remember. And so you awaken many just by the fact of being in the same city as them, and that is the gift you bring. Oh, you bring a whole array of gifts, but this is one of the strongest.
You are an awakener. … When you speak to people, yes, of course, you are awakening them by simply having them in your energy field – and this is particularly helpful for those that are reluctant or even, surprisingly enough, disinterested. So it is a very subtle way in which to begin to activate others to awaken.
But for those in whom you have the slightest… and I do mean slightest… inclination about their openness, about their curiosity – and sweet one, sometimes even the biggest catalyst for this is that you sense that someone is very desolate, that they are in despair, that they are unhappy… or that they are just curious. So there is an entire range of people, humans, that you are communicating with.
So you naturally, by the very act of being alive and breathing, are transmitting to many people that you will never know, never talk to, and that does not matter. It is still a huge gift. But when you feel the slight urge (and you know what I am talking about) to engage with somebody, one of the best ways – one of your best ways and, by the way, one of my best ways – is I pose it not as a matter of fact but I encourage you to pose it as a question.
So what you are doing, just by the mere fact of posing a question such as: “What do you think? What do you believe? What do you think this is about?” what you are doing subtly – because you are blue, sweet one; you are not only an angel of change, you are a communicator – so what you are doing to that person, whether it is one person or 10,000, you are saying: “I see you, I value you, I want to know what you think and feel because it is valuable.”
It is not a test, it is not an argument, it is not about one person proving this or that. It is about a question.
So, that is one way in which to engage, and it can be very innocuous: “What do you think about angels? How do you think we know angels in our everyday life? Have you ever had a crazy, wild experience where you felt your Guardian Angel was helping you?” So that is the type of question, wide open, not talking about Ascension.
But it can talk about Ascension as well to those who you think know a little bit. You can say: “Gee, there’s a lot of talk about the changes that are taking place on the planet, the cleaning-up of the chaos, and this thing called Ascension. What do you think that’s all about?” So again, you are not giving them the information; you are engaging them.
Very often – and this is a young, shall I say, a young human trait, and I do not mean young in terms of age; I mean young in terms of perhaps not so evolved – when they are given information, there is a bit of a reluctance because it is something new. Now some will soak it up like a sponge, as you well know, but others will think: “Well, I’ve never heard of that. That sounds ridiculous.” So you are engaging them.
You are a powerful, powerful engager as a teacher in other lifetimes, as an agent of change in other lifetimes. You have used this method, the Socratic method of teaching, of preaching. It can even be saying to somebody: “Well, what’s your biggest dream?” And as they share that, you start to ask them, “Well, how is this possible? How do you think it might come to be? Gee, do you ask for help from the Mother or from your Guardian Angels?”
Your reticence sometimes about raising the topics is that you don’t want to be seen as overbearing, and this is a good quality, sweet one. It is a beautiful quality because you are sensitive to the needs, the wants, the understandings of humans. But when you pose it as a question, then you are saying, you are declaring that you want to know what they see, feel, taste, hope for.
So do more of that; it makes it more palatable, it makes it more digestible. And you will see in time that others, because of this openness to dialogue, want to talk about it more and more.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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