I am St. Germain. As always, it is wonderful to be able to be here with you in this way to communicate in this manner, to be able to share and help all those of you to understand just what is happening across the planet, just how this You look for those changes happening outside of yourself. You look for confirmation by going on your internet, by watching your television set, by speaking to other people, you look for confirmation. But what you really need is the confirmation within yourself. For it matters not what is happening outside. It only matters what happens inside. Because as the changes are developing within yourself, that is the catalyst for the changes happening outside of self. So as consciousness changes and increases within your own personal selves, consciousness has been increasing outside of self as well. Just need to continue to allow the process to happen. Happening it is. Changes are now coming quite rapidly. It is as if you had a pot of water and you placed it on your stove and you turned up the heat, not too much, just enough to begin to warm the water. That water is warming and warming and warming. It will continue to do that. It will continue to stay at that same temperature until you begin to add more heat to it, begin to raise the temperature. That is what is happening now. The temperature is being raised, moving toward the boiling point. Might say that the heat is on now. The temperature is rising everywhere, and at some |
But I tell you now, as Saint Germain, and all of the Company of Heaven that I am Saint Germain. I leave you now with the violet flame to continue to engulf you, to continue to purge out all the old: the old paradigm, the old programming that is no longer needed within you. The Game is nearly over and it is time to begin the new game. Peace and love be with all of you. Channeled by James McConnell www.meetup.com/ancient- |
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