What I am also responsible for is what you think of as the grid: the grid of Gaia, the grid of this Solar System, and it is also the grid of Nova Being and Nova Humanity. It is the operating system. So let us suggest that your internal computer programme just got a massive upgrade!
Heavenly Blessings ~ December 7, 2017
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal
[Meditation from 29:06 to 32:08]
Archangel Gabrielle
Greetings, I am Suzanna Michaela Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One. Welcome! Welcome, beloveds. And yes, I come as Central Administrator for the Mother, for the Father, for the One, Central Administrator of this universe and many more.
Now dearest hearts, when I say to thee that I am Central Administrator, many of you think of some bureaucrat or business man in a corner office, and some of you think of a file clerk and someone taking notes at a meeting. I am none of those things!
So what does it mean when I tell you that I am Central Administrator? Let me put it in the simplest, most straightforward way: my service, my mission and purpose, is to have in place, to put in place, to ensure that there is in place the structure, the details, the energy, the materiality for the fulfilment of our Mother’s Plan.
Of course I am assisted by all who serve, and never has or will it be a hierarchy, for I could not do this service for our Mother if there was not infinite cooperation amongst all who serve and are the love. And I mean this of all the realms, all the kingdoms, not merely the archangelic or angelic or seraphim.
I am a mediator, I am a mentor, I am an administrator – but even before that, sweet ones, I am the Lily of Love. Note what I say. I do not say I am the sword or the shield of love. It is the gentle fragrance, the softest petal of our Mother’s breath, and it is the brilliance of the sound of One.
That is what is blown and exhaled through my Trumpet of Truth. It is the breath of the Mother, it is the messages of hope and fulfilment, and it is the guidance that suggests – and sometimes strongly suggests – in which direction best to move. And when I say ‘best’, I do not mean simply for you; I mean for the collective, for us, for the One, for the All. But never… whether we guide you to what is best and you choose something else… we do not interfere.
So what I am also responsible for is what you think of as the grid: the grid of Gaia, the grid of this Solar System, and it is also the grid of Nova Being and Nova Humanity. It is the operating system. So let us suggest that your internal computer programme just got a massive upgrade!
And yes, there are new rules and new functions that you can take full advantage of – and you are doing so, yes, of course, in concert with Universal Law, with the ability to create, with claiming your Divine Authority – because many of you have been pleading and saying, “the old system is gone.” We know that. It is whispers and echoes of an ancient time, and yet it appears to have substantial reality even if it is only historical reality.
So what is our new reference system? To what do we refer to in terms of our belief systems? What is our library of how to proceed?
And that is what I, on behalf of the Universal Mother, the Divine Mother and the Central Source, have laid down for the collective and for each and every one of you.
We have been speaking of trust and discernment, of courage and fearlessness, of valour, of being authentic and genuine, and as you proceed, generous, in alignment with collegiality and cooperation, unity and understanding.
Hierarchy, false use of control, is what got humanity – many times! – into trouble in this scenic detour that has taken thousands and thousands and thousands of years to course-correct. You are choosing kindness, you are choosing compassion, you are choosing to be the Creator Race. You are remembering the truth of who you are and who you have always been.
In this, you do not always know – you do not always know the full detail of either the Mother’s Plan, or even your own, because it is not merely an illusion when we say you have free will. So your choices determine your plan, and within that, the fulfilment of our Mother’s Plan.
Now in your acceptance, in your surrender, you allow yourself, finally, to do what your heart dictates because when you follow the truth and the dictates of your heart, which is where your true eternal knowing is anchored, then it is in absolute alignment with the unfoldment of the Plan. So we do not say to you and the Mother will never say to you, “On Tuesday I want you to do a-b-c and on Friday I want you to do x-y-z,” because that path of excitement is yours!
When the Mother has bestowed upon you, reawakened, your mantel of Divine Authority – think of this – She has granted you a higher/broader/deeper/more profound level of permission to go forth.
This is not simply saying to yourself or to each other: “I have a right to choose.” The choices of humanity have been constricted and restricted for a very long time because the choices that have been made out of the reference, the operating system of your old grids, those false grids, were so destructive, so defeating, so self-annihilating.
But you have awakened! Whether you feel you have awakened fully or not, let us suggest to you that you have awakened to a new realm of existence, a new realm of understanding, of spiritual evolutionary commitment – and in this new realm there is a new set of rules, there is a new operating system.
There is a set of laws that are given directly by the Mother herself so that you understand how to proceed – and it is not proceeding meekly. There is a time for meekness and now is not one of them!
You proceed not with bravado or false pride, pretending that you know what you are doing, but you do proceed with ingenuity, with excitement, with exuberance, and with the creativity that is your birthright!
You are not on the precipice of a new realm. You are in a new realm, an interdimensional reality that you have claimed for yourself and for this planet, and that is why I have laid down this new grid.
Gaia has taken her new grid decades ago. Now you, sweet ones, are claiming yours!
So look at yourself this day and see the golden grid, the net that I cast upon you – that you are bright and brilliant and shiny, and you are intelligent and powerful in the truest meaning of the word adherence, alignment… and love.
Anchor this golden grid I give you and that I spread in the spaces between each every one of you. Take my gift and see who you are – that you are the rebirth, you are the reconfiguration, you are tomorrow, and you are today.
Go with my love. Farewell.
Suzi: Farewell. Thank you so much.
St. Germaine
St. Germaine: Greetings, I am St. Germaine.
Suzi: Welcome!
StG: And welcome to you, sweet friends of Gaia and, dare I say, sweet friends of Gabrielle, co-creators of this planet, co-creators of love, co-creators of kindness and consideration, co-creators of expansion.
I come humbly and quietly [chuckles] – which is not my normal way! – following Gabrielle to also share my heart with you. This planet and, might I say, humanity has been in deep distress and deep illusion, oh, for an extraordinarily long time.
And it is not that someone has simply turned on the light switch, or lit the lantern or the candle, [chuckles] because there were not these wonderful inventions even when I have walked the planet. They have not lit the fire.
But the fire underneath each and every one of you, the fire in your guts, the fire in your heart, the fire in your brain is ignited. And it does not destroy you. It is bringing you forth to a new way of being.
Often previously I have said to you – as Keeper of the Violet Flame, so you know my preference to ignition and fire! – but I have said to you that I would not return to the planet. And part of this, even though I have delighted and, yes, in many ways, enjoyed my time upon Gaia, there was also very much a knowing – not simply because of mastery but because I could be in the fullness of my service – that I would not return to the planet.
And it was not that I would not return because it was in the false grids of the old third – but I have to tell you, at best that detritus, that debris, that disillusion was very disconcerting!
I have sat at a table and manifested diamonds and rubies and sapphires, and literally demonstrated the power of creation. And while some would appreciate it, I was also often confronted by that greed, that selfishness, that sense of being acquisitive.
And some would say, “St. Germaine, can you not make it a little bigger next time?” Or, “May I have that for my collection?” when she is already wearing diamonds and pearls. This, when people were starving in the streets, was disconcerting.
So I did not really want or beg the Mother to return until such time as Nova Earth, what I had worked for, and continue to constantly work for on this side, was in place. Now I did not need it to be fait accompli. I did not need everything to be down and ordered and organised. But I most certainly wanted a different paradigm within which to walk with you – as did Yeshua, as did many of the masters that return now.
And that new paradigm not only has been given to you, laid down by the grace of God, has been explained to you, the invitations have been issued and you have all accepted! This allows for a completely different reality than what has been known within human memory to truly emerge.
And you are entering into a new level, shall I say, of co-creative partnership – yes, with us – most certainly with your Star family, your brothers and sisters who have been catching bombs and putting out fires [sigh] for a long time! It brings you into co-creative alignment but also power.
This word “power” has almost become like a swear word, a dirty word. But, in fact, what I am talking about is the essence of who you are, the essence of your divinity coming to the forefront that you may go forth in the fulfilment of what is not just desirable but really possible.
You see, you have been operating – and it was a necessary part of this process – you’ve been operating in many ways in a dreamscape; you’ve been operating on what you desire to bring forth.
This new grid has tangibility; it has solidity that you are going to begin to truly perceive in and of your bodies and yourselves. You are entering a realm where you are doing, not just dreaming, and you are doing so most certainly with each other but with us as well.
You have graduated! – and now you are simply putting things into place. Think of it, of the joy and excitement when you got your first car, or your first bicycle, or your first apartment, or your own room in a shared space and how precious that was that you could choose to put in that apartment the dishes, the food, the chair, the covers that you wanted, that you would actually set up and live in that apartment.
That is what has been gifted to you! We have been gifting it for a while, but today you have unwrapped it and you have seen the grid that beloved Gabrielle has given you.
It is a new day, my friends! Let us celebrate together! Go in peace.
Suzi: Thank you.
StG/Suzi: Farewell.