Lady Venus: Higher Heart Inspiration

Lady Venus: Higher Heart Inspiration

Channel: Arthura Hector | Source

The full moon of May 23, 2024, causes another increase in energy in the heart of the Earth.

The sun produces high waves of light. These high waves of light can cause some commotion, but everything is brought back into balance by the light world.

The soul responds very positively to this conversion. More and more insight and knowledge comes to the surface and that makes you clear and wise.


The light will resonate in your heart and this will create a turbulent time, but at the same time it will purify your system and everything will become crystal clear. The mist in the mirror disappears and your true self appears. What a relief.


Many types of molecules bound together to form methane gas rise upward from the Earth. The extra heat that is created in the earth can now escape.

A methane molecule consists of a central carbon atom surrounded by four hydrogen atoms, arranged in a symmetrical tetrahedron . Kind of triangle. A tetrahedron is a quadrilateral with three faces, this shape is also part of the flower of life, also known as: Metatron’s Cube.


Metatron’s cube. Metatron is the Angel who brought the knowledge of the flower of life to earth in the form of the human Enoch. Many stories are circulating and the abuse of this Sacred Geometry originated in Atlantis and is still palpable. It is a sensitive memory where many no longer dare to show their light, afraid of being discovered.


In Lemuria, the Flower of Life was used for healing, for example to restore balance to one’s own system, but also to stabilize the earth from the ether. The Melchizedek order continued to try to stabilize the earth after the fall of Atlantis. Many are working through this power on a new plan for the earth, the Ascension creates many wonderful situations and this is supported by a special light group: ‘The Ashtar Command has become involved and wants to assist with the birth of the new one from a loving intention. soil.’


The abuse during Atlantis was used to create forces from an opposing movement for their own gain. Therefore, this secret knowledge has disappeared and been filtered from man’s consciousness.

From a clear and holy intention, this power can perform miracles, but this knowledge has been kept safe. This sacred knowledge opens up again when the plan is completed and the earth rises to a higher frequency. A certain pure frequency must be reached in which the sound reaches a special octave. This way the sacred energy can start flowing again in the hearts of people.

It is recommended to study this power, because it opens codes, little by little the sacred geometry reappears. It opens consciousness and it can activate your chakras, so that you can receive the higher octaves again. Focus your attention on this beneficial method, it can help you increase the knowledge of the heart.


Metatron’s cube is animated with higher octaves, but the fog of illusion disrupts an inspired intention on earth . Man has closed and lost the inspired heart. During the full moon of May, the flower of life becomes active again in a higher frequency. Consciousness was once held captive to extract your power of creation. The chains are now broken and you can start living freely again. An inspired life is a creative expression of manifestation. In the lower world this is being resisted and now the time has come to deactivate these chains.


The spiritual ego that is still present will be reduced and eventually dissolved. The blowing away of negative energy is initiated by the ether. The etheric beings live there and keep the positive and negative ionization in balance, so the ether is animated and you can inhale the animated air through breathing . The inspiration of a being is important to maintain inspired contact with the Divine Source.


Venus is the planet of connection and this planet is infused with elven energy. There are different types of elves large and small, they take care of nature on Venus. Present are the great light elves who focus on the energy in the crystal caves, which lie just below the surface of the Venus crust.

In these caves the sacred water flows with the codes of the flower of life.

We, Venusians, connect everything through sacred geometry and make everything whole, even where there are many disturbances, such as now on Earth. We are closely connected to the earth, she is our ‘twin sister’. On Venus we guard the knowledge about the origins of the Earth and the earthly paradise: ‘The Garden of Eden’.

From Earth, Venus appears to be a lifeless planet that has become uninhabitable in the heat of the sun and where life is no longer possible… this is not correct, there is plenty of life. The Earth will eventually be connected to Venus again, but she may first increase in frequency. When the sound becomes one, a deep connection can take place between Earth and Venus.


The ethereal life on Venus becomes visible when man Ascends to a higher octave. The Ascension is nothing more than an upload of high energy, where the light photons will sing in a different tone and if the Sacred Flower of Life can open again in the heart of man, then she will be able to dance again in the paradise of the human being. unconditional love.


The Divine energy will embrace and protect man for the crossing. The ascent is a wonderful moment and many who experience it are prepared well in advance. You will soon step into the process of preparation for the moment of the crossing. Deep in your heart you know this. So the preparation is necessary to let your heart resonate as purely as possible with the right octave and your Original blueprint.


The Merkabah is your etheric vehicle, consciously or unconsciously many already use it to travel to a higher world in order to receive the knowledge necessary for your Ascension. The Merkabah is built from Sacred Geometry, the six-point star and can be made active during this full moon.

Arthura Hector