The Creators: Your Likes & Dislikes

The Creators: Your Likes & Dislikes

Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you all like what you like there on Earth, and we encourage you to like what you like. We encourage you to move towards that which is like-worthy to you. We also invite you to look at what you dislike differently. In other words, what you dislike does not have to get your thumbs down. You do not have to dislike something, but rather, you can acknowledge that it doesn’t resonate with you, and you can also see how it helps you to define that which you do like. 

Therefore, what you dislike is actually helping you to become more discerning. It is helping you to put your attention on that which resonates with you. And in some cases, it is helping you to create more of what you do like. Now, all of that depends on whether you are in resistance to what you do not like. Because if you are in resistance to it, then many of you already know the expression, ‘What you resist persists.’

When you bless what you do not like, when you send love to what you do not like, when you forgive what you do not like, you can truly benefit from its existence, and you can receive more of what you do like. Now, of course, you have other words for ‘like’ in your language. You appreciate something. You give thanks, or are grateful, for something. You love something. You adore something or someone, and in your use of language, you can harmonize more fully with that which you have decided you like.

The more you focus upon it in a positive way, the better. Now, if you like something but you do not have it, and you want to have it, you also want to change your relationship to it. You want to be glad that it exists in the first place to get you to feel that desire and to get you to move something that you do want. Therefore, when you like something that you do not yet have, celebrate that you get to be on that journey towards having it, because that can be a wonderful journey filled with many stories that you will tell for decades after.

You need to have that which you are moving towards and expanding into in order to continue to move forward in your growth and in your development. And sometimes what you want is simply inner peace. You say to yourself, ‘I like inner peace. I have felt inner peace in the past, and I would like to have inner peace again.’ And then you are moving towards inner peace. You go on a journey of discovery about inner peace and where it lives inside of you and what sometimes prevents you from acknowledging that it is there.

Everything you want and like already is, and there is no real separation between you and it, and when you come to that realization, you will know that you are choosing more of what you like by focusing on it and that it is with that type of ease that you are meant to create your reality and create a world that you like living in. And we are talking about your personal world, as an individual, and the world that you live in that includes all others. It really is that simple, and you really do like what you like for your own reasons, reasons that do align with your purpose for being on Earth at this time. Very good.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.