Saint Germain: The Upheavals Causing These Times o

Saint Germain: The Upheavals Causing These Times of Transformation

Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

You are all going through times of transformation, and in times of transformation, there are various upheavals that happen. You are in that process right now. You are not just transforming your governments, your countries, your economies, but rather you are transforming yourselves, and that is where all the fun is. Now, something might happen outside of you to be a catalyst to get you to transform yourself, but when you see that catalyst as a blessing, then it can become the blessing that it was always meant to be. If you see it as an inconvenience or something horrible that has happened, then chances are you are only going to create a reaction to it within yourself that will result in negative consequences from it.

The upheaval happens within you on an emotional level to get you to pay more attention to what is happening at the level of thought and belief in your mind. When you are paying more attention to thoughts and beliefs, you are more capable of shifting them, and even when it is the emotion that gets your attention you then have an opportunity to breathe your way through that emotion and to show yourself that you can handle any emotion that comes up within you. You don’t have to numb yourself to it. You don’t have to suppress it or deny its existence.

These emotions will get your attention one way or another so that you can examine what your relationship is to yourself, your life, other people, Source Energy, your planet, and whatever it is that you need to be made aware of in that moment. Everything has meaning, but everything is also a symbol for something else. Everything has significance, but its significance is determined by the experiencer of it. Therefore, you must be willing to investigate what is going on inside of you in order to get to the deeper truth of what something means to you, what it symbolizes to you, how you feel in response to it.

Notice that I didn’t say “How it makes you feel.” And that is because I want you all to know that you are the one who is determining how you feel about something, and you want to feel at least neutral about everything, eventually, because you want to be the one who is deciding in the moment how you are going to respond to something, and you have the capacity to turn anything into a positive experience for you, for humanity, for the entire galaxy and universe.

That power has always existed within you, and now that you are awake, you simply need to know how to access that power. You access it by being more aware. Awareness is your friend. It is a superpower, and those who have it and demonstrate it are the ones who look the happiest and who seem to be living the best lives because they used their awareness to modify something. They used their awareness to move towards something that was resonating with them, that was lighting them up, and filling them with love and joy.

These are the tasks before you at this time, humanity. And those of us who exist in the higher realms know you can handle all the changes, all the upheavals, because you want this transformation. You want to move to the next level of consciousness, and you’re not just going to get there because a bunch of spaceships land. You’re going to get there because of what’s inside of you waiting to be tapped in to by you.

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.