This channeling from our beloved Archangel Uriel is brought to us by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings dear ones! I am Uriel, Archangel of Love and Silver Light, Bringer of the Future in this ‘now’ moment, Bringer of Peace and Healing, Bringer of Love and Truth to you and all.
I am here to hold your hand in love, to commend you for your steadfastness and fortitude, to encourage you to use the Silver Flame and see the truth in any situation, and then to gently let go of the fear and doubts, to let go of the victimhood, pain and suffering of being misunderstood, unseen and mistreated.
Tend to your hurt inner child. Use my gentle Silver light as a blanket to comfort and sooth him/her, and to clear all the fears and frustrations that have risen out of that sudden feeling of separation from the Mother/Father/One, the feeling of limitation and constriction that you have experienced since being born in that tiny human body.
You have been carrying that hurt and pain of being abandoned and unloved by God, of being punished somehow for some unthinkable sin that you could not remember. There was not much that any loving parent could have done to pacify and reassure you to the contrary, because, they too, were quite frustrated to be in such a limited position, having to struggle to survive in this world and density, working very hard to provide and give you the best that they could and were capable of at the time.
Remember that you were quite aware of this human “issue” before you descended into this reality of old energy that needed to be completely eliminated, for there is no benefit or use in maintaining these painful and false memories.
The original intent for you, and for every other being coming and incarnating on Earth, was not to completely forget about their home and heavenly family, not to have this complete feeling of being lost and abandoned by the Source, but mostly to come to play and learn, to grow and come back home after a while, just as an overseas summer camp, vacation, or summer school would be for kids in these days, with plenty of two way communication between them and their parents, with phone calls, letters, or text messages.
It is your close earthly family that triggers and challenges you with this tender and so sensitive “issue”. You have programmed it this way purposely because your most loved ones will be also the ones to assist you in healing and clearing this ancient feeling of helplessness that has kept humanity locked in smallness and powerlessness for so long.
Be gentle with your sweet selves. Have compassion for yourselves and for your loved ones because it is the hurt and neglected child in themselves that will be crying for help, to be heard and seen, at last. Be kind and gentle with yourselves, and allow your love, Mother’s Love, to nurture and tend to your needs and to everyone else in your family.
Know that when you do so, you are healing everyone, while greatly assisting the entire collective humanity in moving forward on the ascension path.
I will leave you now with my Silver sprinkles of love and light! Farewell.
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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