The Galactic Federation of Light: Job Change?

The Galactic Federation of Light: Job Change?

Channel: Krista Energeticleigh | Source

The best thing about being on Earth is freedoms you are granted. You are granted clean air, nature, oceans, and the sky.  On other plants they have limited air, rock formation, and miss out on the bounty that Earth gives you.  Earth is a beautiful planet that many choose to incarnate on.  The reason you come to Earth is to experience unparalleled adventure, challenge, and obstacles.  Earth is not for the weak.  If you are here on Earth, you had to think long and hard about coming here.  You said I could go for an easy ride, or I can do what I have got to do, and take these hard lessons and get them over with.  I will do it.  I will go to Earth.  And then you said, “Oh Lord help me!”  On the other planets you can have a cake walk.  Communication is easier, the challenges are less severe.  Once you are on Earth you have things you have to do.  You must fall in line, dress appropriately, pay taxes, secure a home, make a living.  It is daunting.

What you choose to do as your income source plays a role in your obligation to live on this planet.  Did you choose a high earning wage or one that barely pays the bills.  What you choose does not inhibit you from having a good life.  You could be rich and miserable.  You could be poor but be filled with joy.  Your job can be changed.  When you sign up for a career by no means do you have to do it for life.  You’re put on this planet to experience difficult obstacles, and job changes constitute a big growth opportunity.  Don’t do something that will make you ill.

The stress you put on your body is not worth it.  If you want to make a change know that it is applauded from up above.  It is you taking control of yourself. You saying I know what is best in my life.  You do not have to make the big dollars.  On the contrary, happiness in your job is far more beneficial to you.  You will live a life calmer, in harmony with your surroundings, and will reap the benefits in other ways.  Pay attention to your moods before and after work.  What is it telling you; I am upset, that was fun, get me out of here, I can’t take it anymore.  We hear it all.  Keep track if it is a one-time thing or a pattern.  If it is a pattern, change.  We hate the agony we see.  People suffering through their days.  The approach you need to take is to look at what you enjoy doing; I want to be outside; I want to be high in the trees.  Absolutely pick something you enjoy doing.  Take the pay cut.  You will launch out of your comfort zone into the unknown and be ever grateful for the challenge.  You are living an authentic life.  Not a prescribed life, but a true to your soul, I am doing this for me, I have to feel authentic life.  For the naysayers screw them.  They are not you.  Anymore nowadays, anything goes.  You will find society is not as strict as it once was.  You want to be a freelance artist, that is more common, and there is a place freelancers can go.  There are more options these days than ever before.  Don’t want to wear the suit then switch careers.  You don’t have to do what your parents did.  You need to do your line of work.  If you have to downsize then downsize. We guarantee your soul will be grateful that you are following your desires.  If you are following your desires, then the change will not feel so harsh.

If you don’t know what you want to do, we have this exercise:

In your spare time I _______________.

If I had free time today I would _______________.

What did you write down?  Look up careers with the words you wrote down.  Get in alignment with your true nature.  What is your niche?  We need someone in each niche.  There is a purpose to everything.  Want to be an obscure profession, you will find people that need it.  Trust that your own guidance is the best thing given to you as you live on this planet.  It is a hard one to be a human here on Earth.  Just to be able to listen to your own internal thoughts is hard.  They don’t make it easy for you.  You chose to come here.  No one made you come to Earth.  You said I am ready to do this.  I know it will be hard, but I am going to do it.  I have a rough outline of things I need to accomplish in this lifetime.  Whether it be learning trust, navigating change, or setting boundaries.  You chose what you needed.  Use the life of work best suited for you, to complete your lessons.  Don’t go through life with regrets.  Upon your return to the afterlife, you will find that being true to yourself was the best thing you could have done.  The bills will get paid if you follow your heart.  Your heart cannot go wrong.  The comments we are going to hear are, “Easier said than done.”  We didn’t say Earth was easy.  It gives you opportunity to expand your consciousness.  You can do it.  We love you and we will be listening for your hearts to open and for those deep inner conversations within yourself.  Then make it happen.  We leave you with a promise that the challenges you will face will never be wasted.  You are on Earth.  Goodnight.