Archangel Michael via Victoria Cochrane, May 28th, 2018
Archangel Michael: Purging the Past
The new energies now emanating from the Earth are fifth dimensional and the purging of old, dark energies continues to take place all over the world. Fires, floods and volcanic eruptions are continuously causing headlines, washing away or trapping past-life energies that have contributed to dark energies accumulating in pockets around the Earth. The influx of radiant light that is now bringing the Earth into a higher vibration has always been forecast and is a result of the constant efforts of Lightworkers and the Masters of Light who continuously send light, love and the Violet
Purging very dark energies is never easy nor is it without consequences, which can include the loss of habitat for wildlife, homes for humans, livelihood and even the loss of life. However, the choices made by humans in the past have brought about this necessary cleansing that is paving the way for even higher, purer and magical energies. These energies will bring the Earth into greater light, aligning it with far-off planets and energies of the more-evolved beings that are willing to assist Mother Earth to achieve oneness and peace.
Whether one believes it or not, all humans will begin to notice a change
Dark energies come from a lack of connection to Source and stem from a lack of love for self. Now, more than
There is no greater power than love, dear ones. Now is the time for all humans to come to terms with the fact that the reality they find themselves in is one they have created themselves with their thoughts and perceptions of themselves. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force for manifestation: what you give out comes back to you in equal measure. More importantly, the vibration of your thoughts affects the ascension process, because every thought goes out to connect with every other thought from every individual on Earth, creating a human collective consciousness that contains not only thoughts but the intentions behind them as well. The more positive they are with love as the intention behind them, the greater chance of turning the tide against the dark, negative and destructive thoughts of people who remain unawakened.
The past is behind you and what is done cannot be undone. However, the energies created by travesties of the past can be purged. To lessen the need for cleansing on a catastrophic scale in the future, those who are awakened must work together to send light and the Violet Flame en masse. This can be done on the Crystalline Grid or through intentional group meditations. Call upon the masters of the Cosmic Council to help direct the energy to where it is needed and ask that the healing
I AM Archangel Michael.
» Source » Channel: Victoria Cochrane