“Breathe in forget-me-not blue. And let’s bring it down to the royal blue, to the Michael blue, to the Mary blue, to the delphinium blue, to the sapphire blue, to the tanzanite blue, to the deepest navy of a midnight sky. And feel yourself turning into a rainbow of blue and all of these shades of our beloved Mother just filling you up … ” Linda Dillon
“Now is the time … claim your peace, and if you do not know how, turn to me and simply say, “Michael, Mi-ka-el, brother, fill me with peace so that I know what it feels like and then I can proceed from there. And I will do so…and I do so right now…give me a moment – [pause]. My peace I give you. Share it. Grow it. Claim it. Go with my love, and beloveds, go in peace.” Archangel Michael