The Arcturian Collective via Galaxygirl, May 26th, 2018

Arcturian Collective 5/26/18
We are the Arcturian Collective and we wish to speak with humanity this crystal clear evening of love, of harmony and of peace. For this is the direction that you are heading as a collective, in the new time/space that you are finding yourselves immersed in.
So much of your lives have all been about survival. It is all you have known; bills, job changes, layoffs – we need not get into it, you know the picture too well. We see that humanity really has no or little idea how to enjoy just being, just relaxing with themselves and being at peace and enjoying plenty. We look forward to seeing this improve greatly for you. For the new energies coming in are going to be greatly supportive of
Peace within is the sign of a true master. For to have peace when in the midst of the swirling energies of chaos and change is to have found your inner god breath of
We are the Arcturian Collective. You are weary. Come rest with us on our ships and allow our technology to assist with your healing and refreshing, for there is much work to be done and we see you all doing it with the ease of masters. We assure you that we see you growing into the tasks at hand that your future selves and planning committees have assigned