Guardians of the Galaxy: Why Ascension Cannot Fail

Guardians of the Galaxy: Why Ascension Cannot Fail

Channel: Jahn J Kassl | Source

In this world, everything is changing for the better and man is triumphing over the forces that have so far held the world in their grip. The time of many twists and turns and miracles has dawned in this earthly game with cosmic consequences.

Because with the Earth, the entire galaxy in which the Earth is embedded rises, and this means that the entire galaxy is involved in this process and all planets and forms of being involved are supported and accompanied by the Guardians of the Galaxy in their desires and in their alignment with the light. Neither the individual human being nor the planet Earth are left to fend for themselves.

It is necessary to see the ascension in a larger context, because there are still too many people who see themselves as lone fighters instead of perceiving the vast number of like-minded people on earth and related worlds. The fact that the ascension must be thought of on a larger scale and perceived more widely means that the ascension cannot fail.

Those who stay away have reasons!

Those who stay away from this process have good reasons. Those who do not attach importance to this elevation know why. Individual entities will neither enter into their history nor exit it. They fear the light instead of welcoming it. They want to stay in the earthly game until they too come to an end with their individual experiences. Then the fog will lift and man will see his soul in its true light.

What needs to be done will be done, what wants to be experienced will be experienced, what needs to be completed will find completion at the appointed hour – for many people in a time after this time:

● Therefore, these people cannot be reached by your help!

● That is why people do not want to be saved, but rather to be understood and accepted in their decisions!

● That is why they reject your invitation to inner reflection, because what has not yet reached maturity cannot be harvested.

● As you attune to ascension, these people are diving deep into this matrix.

● While you are looking for the light within yourself, these people are blinded by the light outside.

● While you are diving into the ocean of GOD’s love, these people are colliding with their self-chosen godless reality.

Your now is now!

They believe that the essential remains hidden with their eyes and their hearts. They experience the earthly spectacle as reality and their role as reality.

Filled with the longing for experience, these souls are driven to drain the jar of life until one day their reflection shines back at them at the bottom of the empty jar – and eons of time are redeemed in that one moment.

Accept their path, their desire and their choice with love! Let them go, for they follow their path in loyalty to their inner destinies.

Your longing has awakened, your hearts long for perfection, and your souls look full of love at the people for whom the world is still as it once was for you.

The veil of forgetfulness is lifted and reveals our view, because your NOW IS NOW!

With infinite love