Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, May 26th

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, May 26th, 2018

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Many of you have been experiencing cataclysmic growth these past few weeks. You are being freed from the burdens of your past, the emotions you’ve stuffed, and the reasons you felt you couldn’t entertain your own dreams. Some of you are repeating old patterns just to look at them one last time. Whatever was lurking in your depths is coming up. The old is burning away to make room for new life. Mother earth is growing! So are you.

As your planet purges herself once again of old energies and the frequencies that the human race refuses to feel, she is also bringing new truth, greater authenticity, and new life from her depths. You may feel this movement quite strongly as sudden bursts of emotion you thought you were done with, periods of dizziness, and if you are willing to sit quietly in the presence of the Divine and your angels – periods of increasing love, connection, and euphoria.

You are inseparable from your beautiful home there upon the earth. You are part of her ecosystem. What you feel she feels. What she feels, you feel. Here is how you can weather these changes with greater grace and love…

  • If you find yourself erupting in sadness or anger, breathe. Anything you’ve stuffed is coming up for examination. What is it you can no longer pretend is OK in your life? What must you do? What must you say to kindly and lovingly remain in integrity with your own spirit? Set yourself free.
  • If others erupt around you, do your best to clear the energies (ground yourself, journal, breathe deeply) and then remain compassionate. They too are bringing up old pains to be healed. Pray for them. Help set them free.
  • If you find old feelings “bubbling up” acknowledge them. Perhaps you’ve tried not to feel something – a desire to explore a new interest, a sense of unrest about something you’d rather not see, a desire for a relationship when you thought you were fine alone or a desire for alone time when you thought you wanted companionship. Your feelings are your guidance. Honor them.
  • Perhaps you’ve been feeling a need to purge your belongings, your activities, or even your relationships. Honor this. You are all being called to greater authenticity.
  • Perhaps you feel a strong draw to explore something new. Honor it if it is consistent with your ideals. Beware if it is not. What you are drawn to magnetically is your path of greatest growth. Growth can be joyful or painful depending upon your willingness to be honest with yourself.

Dear ones, while these energies may seem confusing, disruptive, and not always easy to weather, if you surrender to the truth bubbling up within you and stay connected to the Divine, you will experience the birthing of a beautiful new light in your life. Birth is a messy process, but new life is always beautiful.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels