Relight: Equinox Reset, I Am Grateful
Greetings Lightholders! As always from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.
I Am Grateful
The time has arrived, for Earth, humanity, and the lightholders to take the next step forward in this process.
It is time now to begin writing a new chapter on our journey. And today I would like to start this by saying Thank You.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be of service to you, the readers and followers of Era of Light.
Thank you to the readers, for your continuous support. For your inspiration and kind words. For your donations and feedback, and for being with us and sharing your light and love on this journey. From my heart and soul to yours, infinite love for you all.
I KejRaj, through silence, through sound and action, eternally am grateful to Prime Creator. I am grateful to the Spiritual Hierarchy, to the Archangels and the Angelic Realms. I am grateful to the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation of Light. I am grateful to all the beings that have chosen to assist Mother Earth and Humanity with this process of UPLIFTMENT. Thank you for your light, for your love, for all that you have done and continue to do for our beloved world. From my heart and soul to yours, infinite love for you all.
There is yet one more that I am beyond grateful to. There is not a great enough of an expression that would suffice for the amount of gratitude I FEEL for this one, and THAT is MOTHER EARTH. Thank you beloved mother for allowing myself to be of service to you for the last 200,000 years that I have been here with you. Thank you for being of great service to me, for helping me grow spiritually in leaps and bounds. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this extraordinary journey, and thank you for accepting my light. From my heart and soul to yours, infinite love for you.
First let us say, if you have not done this all ready, begin doing this NOW. Expect nothing but WONDERFUL things in life. We have now entered a new phase in this spiritual evolution. All that you think, speak and do shall manifest and return to you threefold.
Stop and change your thought the moment you become aware of the thought being of low vibration.
Release fear now. No, realize that there is NO fear. What is there is simply a misunderstanding. Do not lower your vibration just because you may not understand something, or you may not be certain of something.
It is time now to STRENGTHEN the connection with all the other accepts of yourself. To do this, you must BE THE LIGHT and nothing else, to make room for the merging.
Raise your own vibration through just BEING. Be clear from all the old ways of thinking and you will rise, and your soul will meet you half way and you will once again RELIGHT the CONNECTION with your SOULSELF.
This is all ready happening with YOU. But what is most important here is that YOU are causing others to snap out of the amnesia and begin to see this world in a new way. THIS is what you came here to do, and you are doing the most magnificent work.
Below you will see a written guided meditation on how to invoke the soul.
It is now in these times that we must begin to strengthen the connection with our true self, our SOUL(Source Of Unconditional Love). For it is our soul that will reveal to us the next steps we need to take towards fulfilling our purpose, towards our expansion and upliftment to a higher vibration.
It is now that the soul of each being wishes to be involved in this reality DIRECTLY with EVERY ACTION you take. The souls of the startseeds and lightholders in particular. It is time for you to invite, to call your soul so more and more of this essence of YOU grounds in your NOW BEINGNESS.
The very first step before attempting anything else while working on your soul connection is to bring your attention about 5 to 7 inches(varies person to person) above your head, that is the place of your Soul Star Chakra. Begin by taking a few slow deep breaths, and say the Soul Invocation mantra out loud:
I Am The Soul
I Am Divine Light
I Am Divine Love
I Am Divine Will
I Am Divine Design
As you are saying each line, pause for a bit, and FEEL the Soul Star responding, as it begins to increase in size and radiancy. And more refined light is than released from your Soul Star to your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Bringing a greater amount of your Soul’s light and balance into your ‘earthly’ self.
In this way you are not only inviting your soul but also other higher aspects of your self into your NOW, blending with the higher frequencies. You are also identifying with your true self.
You may also say/repeat the mantra: I EMBODY MY SOUL ESSENCE.
While in meditation, focusing on your Soul Star, citing out loud the mantras, seeing a bright light coming from your Soul Star to your Crown Chakra, to your Third Eye, slowly filling with this light all of your chakras, down your spine, all the way to your Kundalini and moving back up to your Higher Heart at the center of your chest. The more you do this, for longer periods of time, the stronger the connection becomes and the more you will begin to feel and notice the signs in your now physical reality. You will once again RELIGHT the connection with your SOULSELF and REALIZE your TRUE ESSENCE.
Equinox Reset
The energies continue to intensify exponentially, so much so that we will by the Spring Equinox be in a new world. We will be quite a few levels higher in vibration than we are right now, breathing in a much higher light than we are right now.
The DNA of each individual is being infused with this higher light, thus creating, yes discomfort for some, drama, perhaps illnesses. But this is all in preparation for the full embodiment of your SoulSelf.
The Human Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Elementals, the Waters, the Lands, all is being cleansed and reset now in preparation for this great and most unique change to ever occur in this Universe.
With this also comes the change in the technological and economical areas. Which brings us to the Global Currency Reset.
The Currency Reset truly is all set, done and ready to go. We have stated previously this is no longer a years or months issue but days. And based on the energies we read as of now, we stand by that statement.
Once more, from NOW to the Spring Equinox much is expected to come to the light. As this light increases nothing can remain hidden. The waters of Aquarius will wash over, cleanse and transmute all to light.
All that is unfolding now, including the Global Currency Reset are but a stepping stone leading to the Grand Event, the Galactic Wave of Light from the Heart of Prime Creator, from the Great Central Sun that will arrive here to Earth and change this world permanently. And nothing shall ever be the same again.
The Currency Reset and NESARA, which is to be followed by GESARA, will be released to UPLIFT the hearts of the billions in this world. Which will immensely contribute to the process of Ascension, making the ride more gentle for the Collective as their days of despair come to an end.
We truly are at the doorstep of this new reality that is filled with abundance for all.
This is the new chapter for humanity and the starseeds and lightholders, who are expected to spread this heavenly gift far and wide. And there is no doubt that YOU will do just that, and more.
TOGETHER THROUGH ACTION WE WILL ACHIEVE that which to many ’til now has been unimaginable. The time for limitations has past. Remember, you are bound by nothing.
So we say to you now, hold your highest light, hold your peace, and be ready, for the time is finally here, now.
The brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, I Am KejRaj!