Greetings, I am Jesus. I am Yeshua, I am Yeshi, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Jesus Christ. I AM. Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, my beloved brothers and sisters. Welcome to my heart, welcome to my home. Come and walk with me again and again and again; I have not stopped asking you. And I ask you to continue to set a place for me at your table, at your feast of life, at your feast of love, to include me in your plans, your dreams, your desires, and in what you do every single day.
Yes, I have the capacity to be with you in fullness and with billions of others, all simultaneously. You do not simply get a portion of me, you receive the fullness of who I am, in every sense of that word.
I come to you during this time of the gap, during this time of the pause, during this time of the
There is always a great deal of discussion, which I find rather interesting and sometimes humorous, about whether I truly died and whether I truly resurrected. And the answer to both is yes, I did. And in
When you come to interrelationship with all beings that you meet, whether you know them, whether there is any meeting or commonality of beliefs or interests, there
But let us talk about this time in-between, what you think of as death and resurrection, and why my message to you this day is to take this time of pause and gap to prepare for what lies ahead. It is glorious, it is magnificent, it is splendor, it is
And so, in this breath, in this
Harmony, unity, is not just quiet or peaceful. It is not sitting
That is what I am asking you to do and to be ready to do it…not at some distant future when all is in order. You are the creators, the bringers, the anchors of order. You are the anchors and the bringers of freedom. You are the fulfillment of my dream.
I will come and I will join you and we will resurrect together and bring new life, new form, new promise, new tangibility to this beautiful planet. And we will do it hand-in-hand, heart-in-heart as the brothers and sisters that we are. So, prepare and laugh and breathe. I am with you, I always have been and I always will be. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.