Message of the Day

” … you have said, “Can you not hurry it along?” And believe you me, we say that 20 million times a day – your days, not just Good Friday – every day! [Laughter] But we won’t override because then – and we are preparing right now to come in peace, as the Ambassadors of Peace – then we are credible, then we are believable. Then what we come and offer is seen in the truth, not in the ways of being despots or dictators, but truly as a set of helping hands and a kind and loving heart. … it is most certainly not a paradigm when any force … overrides another. It is a system of unity – not only of heart unity but of collective unity … of heart and mind, of talents … It truly is a Golden Age, but what makes it golden is that it is peaceful.” Zentar of the Pleiades (lifted from a private channeling)