Archangel Azrael via Natalie Glasson, November 30th, 2018

Your Relationship with the Creator
by Archangel Azrael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 30th November 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
‘From the Celestial Vibrations and Dimensions, I call upon the Wisdom of the Heavens to download into my being. I now reclaim my sacred wisdom, knowledge and understanding gifted to me from the Creator and because of my unique expression of the Creator. May my mind open to the expansive nature of the Creator, may my thoughts be of the purity and enlightenment of the Creator and all that I create be born from the sacred inspiration and guidance of the Creator.
I recognise the divine light, love and consciousness of the Creator’s Universe is fully present upon the Earth, it always has been and always will be. The Earth and the Creator’s Universe are one, separation is only an illusion. I choose to recognise, remember and once more embody this truth, living and experiencing it fully with each day of my life.
I choose to remember and experience fully now, the wonder of my physical body as an extension of my soul. My physical body is magnificent, not only does it achieve all I am aware of, my body is able to accomplish more than I could possibly imagine. My body has abilities which I have yet to access, I now choose to ignite and activate my physical body to work in the miraculous way it was designedto by the Creator. I let all forms of illness, limitations and blockages within my physical body be healed now, once and forever.
I fully identify the presence of my soul as integrated and actively present within my being, body and reality. I honour my soul, the wisdom, guidance and abilities it has ready and available to share with me and the world now. I honour my soul for being more powerful, expansive and enlightening than I currently imagine. I allow myself to experience the magnificence of my soul, as an expression of the Creator through my being.
I am open to receive all that I AM, all that is the Creator. I am open tobe all that I AM, all that is the Creator. I am open to be inspired by all that I AM, all that is the Creator. I am open to express all that I AM, all that is the Creator. Let this be so and let it be the way I act, react and interact upon the Earth from this moment forth.’
Through this invocation I encourage you to recognise your magnificence, empowering the truth of your being. If there is anywhere within your being or reality where you feel you are lacking in any way, I, Archangel Azrael, invite you to realise that it is to the Creator that you direct your attention. Where there islack of any form there is a separation with the Creator and an unwillingness to receive the Creator. When you recognise the presence of lack within your being or reality, you have the power to reconnect with the Creator, receiving the energies you have been missing from the Creator. You will receive the appropriate energies into your being which will reignite your being and awareness creating peace and a deeper understanding. A lack of something, whatever it may be is a lack of acceptance of an aspect of the presence of the Creator within you. Opening to receive, releases the blockage and allows you to return to a state of peace and balance.
The Creator wishes for you to be fulfilled, whole and complete. The Creator wishes that this is your continuous experience upon the Earth. To embark upon this journey that is rightfully yours there is a need to be open to receive, to recognise when you do feel fulfilled, whole and complete as well as when you feel the presence of lack. These three actions will support you in experiencing the Creator fully in every moment of your reality.
Being Open to Receiving
Being open to receive is to recognise that with the presence of the Creator you can create anything you wish in your reality while manifesting powerful transformations within your being. Receiving the Creator’s energy brings you into balance because you begin to view everything in your life and reality as an opportunity to commune with and enhance your relationship with the Creator. When you receive from the Creator anything is possible. You do not even need to understand what you are receiving.Instead gift and surrender that which is lacking to the Creator and then ask the Creator to download into your being the most perfect vibrations of Creator love, light and consciousness to restore your inner balance and relationship with the Creator in this matter. Whichever way you choose to imagine the Creator, feel, sense or acknowledge a connection with the Creator and a transmission of energy from the Creator to you. Breathe the energy into your being and awareness. Know that the Creator’s energy will synthesis with your entire being and reality. The synthesis will continue within your being; thus, the lack will dissolve.
Each time your mind or attention is drawn back to the lack, instead remember you have surrendered the lack to the Creator and the Creator has delivered to you all that you need. The appropriate manifestation and shift within your being or reality will manifest with divine timing for you to recognise and experience.
Recognising You Are Fulfilled, Whole and Complete
To recognise when you feel fulfilled, whole and complete in your everyday life, reality and spiritual evolution may feel like wishful or hopeful thinking. It is important to recognise that you are fulfilled, whole and complete always, even when you do not experience it at all. To remind yourself that you are in oneness with the Creator and are fulfilled, whole and complete is immensely powerful and can begin the restoration of your Creator understanding which is embedded within your being and body. Simply reminding yourself of your unique self as fulfilled, whole and complete, even if you do not at first believe it, will begin a beautiful healing process allowing you to see yourself as a beautiful expression and extension of the Creator. Gradually your thought processes and even the chemical reactions within your body will return to their origins; the purity of the Creator.
Recognising the Presence of Lack
It can be valuable to recognise the presence of lack in your being, reality and creations, as this ignites a reconnection with the Creator. It is invaluable to dwell on this, judge or criticise yourself inanyway. Simply be aware of the lack and recognise it as an opportunity. Lack may mean to you that there is something missing or that there is a shortage of something in your life or within your being. It can feel you have a need or requirement that is being unsatisfied. Lack is simply a misalignment with the Creator’s flow and often a miscreated thought process that does not serve you. When you can recognise any form of lack as not personal to you and not an experience of failure, you begin to see beyond lack and restore your balance with the Creator.
You may wish to create a list of all the areas within your self and reality where you feel the presence of a lack of something, however small or large. This is not to depress you inanyway, it is simply to observe that which rotates around in your mind, sometimes with your awareness and sometimes not and yet remains. Consider that the lack of a physical object, person or situation, is not actually the problem nor the solution, simply an indicator of where there is a need to receive the Creator. With awareness you will be able to recognise the areas of lack as you go about your daily reality.
When lack arises you can simply say, ‘Into this situation/ experience I download and receive the Creator fully, creating a transformation that allows me to experience fulfilment, feeling whole and complete within my being. I receive now!’
You may also wish to recognise what lesson can be identified from the areas where lack is present. For example, if you lack a romantic partner, consider that you may be rejecting receiving the love of the Creator. If you lack abundance, consider you may not feel deserving of being in the flow of the Creator’s divinity. Each situation will demonstrate a new understating about yourself and your relationship with the Creator.
In loving harmony,
Archangel Azrael