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The Ships are already taking positions in strategic s. There are situations of great importance that need to be worked on in various sectors of the planet. There are Galactic Scientists who are working on the geological structure of the planet. There are layers that are opening up, that are separating apart from that of Africa. The famous faults, although it is a natural process of growth on the planet, work is being done to lighten and facilitate that separation that is inevitable.

There are volcanoes that want to erupt and major containments are being made within the internal structure of the volcano, relievers to contain some energy. Volcanoes have a lot of magnetic energy. Important to make the adjustment.

The Cosmic Geologists who work, who are dedicated to this area, are all here at the level of South America, through Brazil towards the south with Uruguay, Argentina. Work is being done there, because at the free level it is increasing and maybe many building bases can give in to this advancement of the free level. In ancient times, in the times of other times, a long time ago there was a lake in that area, a lake that with the comfort of the plates, that lake drained, but now with the expansion, it is forming again.

Part of the Caribbean islands internally is also being readjusted the entire internal part. We have avoided many situations of catastrophe and disasters as they call in those areas. There have been strong movements and we understand that comfort. The San Andrés Fault and the whole Cascadia Fault, we are working there too.

Towards the part of what is Indonesia, the Philippines, many sectors internally are that want volcanoes to emerge, in fact, in the Mediterranean new volcanoes are emerging due to the internal rearrangement that is being made. Remember that all this is something controlled, planned.

On Santorini Island a volcano is emerging towards the sides of Greece. That whole area of the Mediterranean is very active geologically, internally. Several reinforces of the plates, of the internal structure, are being made. Towards the sides of Alaska, a great job of containing the plates is also being done.

The planet is going to reconfigure itself, but it’s a process that’s not random or random. Everything is very planned, designed by superior intelligence, Stellar Scientists to give a definitive configuration of the planet.

Many channelers have already been given the information about how the planet will look afterwards. Meanwhile we continue to work as the energy advances, the flashes increase the internal activity and we go there on the go doing the work.

I am Arlin from Ashtar Command authorized to give you this information by beloved Commander Ashtar Sheran, so that you know all the processes that are being taken over. We excel in the geological and internal part of waters.

Saying goodbye, I’m Arlin.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS -16/2/2025

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai