Saint Germain: The Big Picture

Saint Germain: The Big Picture

Channel: James McConnell | Source

I am Saint Germain, and I am here to be with you at this time to help you to fully understand the big picture and what is in process of happening now, what is going to continue and what has been happening for quite some time leading up to this point. This point that you are coming to, arriving to, that is going to take you to the next level or the next phase, if you will, of this entire plan. This plan not only for the country, the United States, for America, but the entire planet, the entire world coming.

That is what the full plan is all about, the big picture. And along the way, you do have to look at the minutiae. You do have to look at the smaller events that are happening that are leading to the big picture. But always remember looking at it from a higher point of view. And as if your head was up in the clouds and you have that point of view looking back.

But know that when you are up in the clouds, when you’re higher, your vibrational frequency is also higher, as well as your consciousness. You can see how to cross the entire vista in front of you.   You can see everything from a larger point of view.

That is what this time is all about. For those of you that are aware, those of you that are no longer sleeping, have become awakened. It’s for you to always remember that there is a plan in place here and it is continuing to work out. And yet there will be those events. Those events are definitely coming more and more and are not only again for the United States for America. And notice that I am using the term “for America,” not “of America.” For that is the old corporation. The new republic is forming, is coming together, has been planned for some time now, and is coming together and indeed will come together. You will have your new republic but it will be for the entire world, the entire planet, all of humanity, collective humanity coming together as one. And those, of course, that cannot handle the vibrational frequency as it continues to increase will no longer be here.

You must understand that only those that can be in the higher vibrational frequency and have that higher consciousness will be allowed to remain here on the planet. Those that cannot handle the energies will find ways to leave the planet even if it comes to the point where they are taken fully off of the planet by those of your brothers and sisters from other systems.  This is also a possibility leading to that. There are events that are coming, events that will shock the world. And also those events, those very events will also shock many of you as well. But know that it is all a process. And know that as you had said in your discussion earlier, had the events of yesterday, the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Those of you that watched this event, did not have the fear involved. You did not have the anger involved. Most of you, most of you looked at it as this is meant to be. This is just something happening. Whether it was real or whether it was a faked or staged is not the important thing at this point. It is what it is leading to. The next event and the next one after.

And not all will be negative or even appear negative. Many will be positive and appear such as positive. So just know that you are on the verge right now on the cusp of many great changes coming forward to the entire world. But first, there must be the return of the Republic of this of the United States for America. There must be the return to this Republic. And the new Republic is in process and is coming on board here very soon, very shortly. Trust, just continue to trust, my brothers and sisters, trust in the plan working out. And those of you, those of you that are the way-showers, those of you that are here to pave and show the way know that you are here certainly for a reason and your mission. If you choose to accept it, then that is what you would call a pun here because you have already chosen to accept this mission and you are on mission now. There’s about to unfold even more. I am St. Germain and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you continue to move forward and realize throughout all of this that it is all meant to be and working out exactly as it needs to moment by moment by moment.