A World Led by Love

A World Led by Love

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, i am Kejraj!

You are entering a time of great excitement, and yes, turbulence is expected. This is only natural for an ascending world. Your love is understood, however, your fear of loss must dissolve. For it is time to take flight.

The collapse of the old systems as we stated is a natural part of the process in an ascending world. This is what’s unfolding on Earth at this time.

You cannot ask for change for the better, while wanting to preserve some of the old inventions of those who seek to have total control of your planet.

In order for true growth to occur in a world, the mind and the heart of the individual must become entirely free and sovereign, allowing an expansion of consciousness, leading to the creation of a higher and joyous way of living.

The Third Dimensional matrix and all its structures which were put in place by the dark, are to be dissolved. The future of the current system is one without money, without work, without freedoms, and the reliance of the citizen on the government for everything. At least that is the dark’s goal. This is for those who choose to let fear come into play and refuse to let go of the old world. Those who refuse to see and trust that the Divine has something magnificent in store for humanity, that is an entirely separate reality and dimension from the current matrix.

The old way of doing things has reached its dead end. You are at the end of the current timeline. Breathe, and jump into the next one.

It is time to close the book of humanity’s story in the matrix of limitation and duality. It is time to begin a new and divinely inspired story where the world is led by love and built with love.

It is time to make the journey from the mind to the heart, and allow the divine light from within you to unfold, and realign yourselves with Creator, and the Universal flow you call love.