The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, July 28th, 2019
Embrace Your Power ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Embrace Your Power ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been placing a great deal of emphasis in our transmissions on the empowerment of humanity. We want very much for you to experience yourselves as powerful beings, both as individuals and as a collective. We want you to experience yourselves in that way because you are powerful beings who create your reality, and we also give you this in response to what we see. We see many awakened individuals giving their power away.
One of the ways that you do this is by assuming that you are living out a predetermined set of circumstances. You give your power away to the you that was present in the seventh dimension when you were deciding on which set of circumstances to be born into in this life. Another way that you give that power away is to people who make predictions.
When a person, or an entity, makes a prediction, and you then believe that the prediction is set in stone, you are also no longer embracing yourselves as the creators of your reality. Another way you are giving your power away is to believe that someone in politics, someone in a cabal, or extra-terrestrial beings have the ability to either control and manipulate you without your consent or be your savior.
We seek to empower you because we want you to realize that you are Source Energy Beings creating all of this, even those malevolent beings that ARE trying to control and manipulate you. But it could only happen by agreement, and you have the power to not agree to be controlled or manipulated. You also have the power to choose what timeline you’re on. You have the power to make yourself your savior. You have the power to manifest the reality you want to experience. You have the power to accelerate your shift, and all of that must mean that looking outside of yourselves is not acknowledging the powerful being that you are.
This is why we also emphasize going within. We want you to experience that power viscerally. We want you to know it as a feeling, as something you vibrate. We want you to know it as something you are. You are the power that you seek. You are the manifestation that you wish to be living, but unless we and others like us can convince you to access all of that within you, then you will continue to look outside of you for the next set of circumstances that’s going to control whether you get what you want or not. And that goes for you personally and you collectively.
What do you want for all of humanity, including yourself? Put your focus on that creation, vibrate in harmony with it, and then let it go. Let the universe do the heavy lifting while you sit back, relax, meditate, and live a life of joy, whatever that looks like to you. There is plenty of joy to felt, to be shared, to be experienced. You don’t have to wait until you are fully fifth dimensional to start living in joy, and that is something else that we want for all of you. Do what brings you joy. Activate joy within you, and the universe will respond, because that’s how the universe works.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”