The 9D Pleiadian Collective: Twin Flames

The 9D Pleiadian Collective: Twin Flames

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

We greet you with much joy today! We’d like to bring messages from above concerning your reality. Now is the time to move forward and add more meaning to your life. It’s time to reunite with your twin flame so you can merge your energies to serve humanity. Please know that many of you have not yet met your twin flame because you haven’t activated your 5D missions. The twin flame appears when your commitment to ascend to higher timelines forms. The intention that activates your mission is “I am here to serve humanity at this time,” driven not only by intention but also by unconditional love for all that is.

Your twin flame is the other you, meant to take form so that he/she can join you, as you join him/her, to fulfill your missions. If your attention is focused on personal issues, day-to-day problems, survival, and so on, you are not functioning on a 5D timeline, and your twin flame cannot find you. It requires awakened beings to unite their energies as twin flames with the highest purpose of truly serving the whole.

Does this resonate with you? Or are you still looking for someone to make you happy? The twin flame is not meant to join you merely to bring happiness but to help you achieve your highest purpose. Happiness is already within you, and once you discover it, you’ll be able to share it as well.

It is crucial first to address all your emotional baggage before you can discover and live out of joy. The veil of illusion has obscured what is real, and you have started to seek happiness externally. You have included your “twin flame” in the same mindset, but the twin flame does not exist in the 3D Matrix.

It takes a lot of courage and determination to welcome such a soul into your life; it requires maturity, wisdom, selflessness, and commitment.

Do not seek joy outside yourself, and do not base your happiness on illusory narratives.

Are you ready to meet your twin flame? Are you truly prepared to accept him/her as he/she is, letting go of desires, judgmental thoughts, and limiting beliefs for the benefit of all?

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