The Elders: Your Number One (#1) Objective

The Elders: Your Number One (#1) Objective

Channel: Robyn G Locke | Source

What is your number one objective in life? Do your days seem difficult and full? Do you feel there is little you can add to the premise of your life? Yet do you realize that if you were to order your preferences a little differently, alternate things might more readily flow in and to you? Preferred things could come to you at a faster pace. Find your original purpose.

Might your number one objective be to find that thing that will make life easier? We’d suggest putting your purpose at the top of your shortlist. When you prioritize in this way, preferred things can more readily flow in and to you.

What’s Your #One Objective

Here’s how it works. You set about to find this elusive thing. This thing, known as your original purpose, becomes your top priority. Consider enlisting your unseen entourage and those who work with you behind the scenes to enable more to be known by you. All the while, developing the muscle (of awareness) to your Soul. Ask for oversight and assistance from your Soul. They’ll be glad to help in this way since they are the one who wants to find this energetic thing. You develop and grow that spiritual muscle, as you grow your connection in the process.

Seek Awareness

You ask to become consciously aware. In doing so, your days are different as this will cause your energy to shift and change. You will see life differently as a result. When your energy changes, you draw better things to you. Better energy equates to a more satisfying and easier life. This will more readily happen when you move the mind off and away. If mentalness keeps entering in, make a more concerted effort by employing our videos on how to still and slow the mind. Do this to engage the best means to navigate without mental incursion.

Restore Wholeness

And then, get about restoring that which was once whole. Bring wholeness to the whole of you. Recognize when things are off. Ask to release lesser energy, by recognizing what need not be. If things repeatedly happen that are not preferred, ask for their release in this recognition. Your abilities and the whole of you will grow in the process.

Given in Love

Our next book, Given in Love will be released in 2025. It’s a game-changer as you will see this life differently as a result. More is given on the history of humanity, your Soul, your purpose, and the Earth Experience. Much has been lost over time and this book will shift how you see things. Make it your number one priority to secure a copy to find all you’ve been in search of and more.