Message from Fairies and Universal Mother via Galaxygirl, June 17th, 2018

Fairies & Universal Mother June 17, 2018
We are the fairies of old who have surrounded and support humanity quietly for eons, and we wish to have our voices heard once again; for all is unhinging and we like that analogy very much for as we see with open, awake eyes, we see that humanity has been asleep too long, locked up and away, isolated, in the prison of their own making and we see this as being ridiculous to continue this game and to allow the walls, the doors to unhinge seems like a good idea at this moment of this ever present Now where all is unfolding, breaking, so that the waves of change can rush in and make everything anew once again!
For there are cycles of newness in this universe as you know. We fairies keep time, the whales keep records, we fairies, some of us anyway, like to keep time for we find it fascinating that you humans are so addicted to it, and we fairies ask you, “Why is that,
And we fairies see you expanding now into the new age of Nova Gaia as the great mother rocks back and forth and births a new world for you all awakened ones to explore and enjoy and bask in the new reality that you are birthing; for you humans – you
We fairies like a good story and you humans are providing many stories for us to learn from and to enjoy together listening and re-listening – for we are all around you comforting you, providing whispers on the wind, and we ask you if you are listening to the flowers yet because they have a lot to say to you! And we long for humanity to stop and to listen to nature again for in so doing you will hear the fairies voices of wisdom and of truth and you will hear your own inner voice as well, if and when you but stop with that of the hurrying around and listen within. That is all for now. We are the fairies and we are delighted to be reunited with the awareness of our human friends again; we are the fairies ~
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I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. Feel my breath move through and around each of your cells as you receive this most
I am speaking to all of you now individually, and am sending you individual energetic codes of encouragement for you are so weary and your journey so long. You have been faithful to me and to your codes of conduct that you promised. And your life plans are unfolding nicely as you unwrap them layer by layer, like a large exciting birthday present with many layers of paper. Such is your
Create. Create! Create freely without reservation, with abandon, create in love and all good things will come your way. For love is the vibration, the fabric of this universe, it is the structure underlying the creation of all things that the dark cannot take away or
Healing is my gift to you tonight, inner healing and the courage to do it can be daunting, tricky business. Would you like my assistance as you explore? Blast light and love, children, to all of the dark places of the world, of the recess of your memory, of your past pains. Send my love, my
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I see through you, in you. I am the cosmic breath that sustains you. I
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I am that I am. Say these with
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I love your sticky fingerprints, I love everything about you. I am you, children. You are an extension of me. Bask in my waters. Feel my glow of healing as we shine the light together. I am the Mother of all things, and you are my children. What does that make you? (Smiling) Breathe in my breath. Feel my light envelope you and be comforted.