Messages from the Masters ~ January Part I

Golden Age Messages

from the Masters

through the founders of the

Ascended Masters Mystery School

January  2017

Thy Will Be Done                  

Part I


How can you be a more loving and wise demonstration of the Presence of God in 2017? In what ways can you make this year’s partnership with your Presence so powerful and unbreakable that you are continually exemplifying such a loving, wise, compassionate and powerful state of being that you are automatically taking an active part in co-creating a 5th dimensional world and a new Golden Age of Freedom? What you believe and are presently supporting in your thoughts and feelings are indeed what have the power to bring the unlimited 5th dimension into your current reality. We ask you to remain strong in what you know is in support of the Divine Crystalline Blueprint for your world and all life upon her.

~ The Councils of Mother/Father God and the Cosmic Christ 


It is for you, as the Presence of God embodied, to educate your ego and bring it into a completely new understanding of its purpose, which is to serve you in serving God. This is what your soul really wants, yet it has been sidetracked by millions of misunderstandings of your true purpose in coming to Earth. Living as your Presence is not only possible, it is already so within the higher dimensional levels of your consciousness.

All the unrest that is playing out around your world is simply a necessary and positive sign demonstrating the crumbling of your old world and the leaving of those who have been insistent in supporting it. This is the year to strengthen the visions of your new world and to continue seeing all life upon her living in true Love, Freedom and Harmony. This is the year for you to be the living demonstration of what is possible and necessary so your world and all life upon her can ascend into Unity or Christ Consciousness. This is your year to be the powerful builders and supporters of how you can live right now as 5th dimensional citizens while supporting one another in your shared purpose.

Now is the time to look at what you have truly come to Earth to demonstrate as living Masters and as the self-appointed creators and builders of your new world. The more you remember who you already are as one with the Creator, the stronger you will be in supporting the consciousness that is fast becoming the foundation of your 5th dimensional world.

Keep remembering that you, as the Sons and Daughters of God, are truly the ones who came to Earth to play a dynamic role in ushering the life in your world into the next domain of its Divine Inheritance. As the Sons and Daughters of God, please see yourselves living on Earth in 2017 as conscious 5th dimensional citizens. Keep using the sacred Violet Flame to forgive all that has gone before and all that may still be appearing that is contrary to the true Divine Blueprint for humankind.

The 5th dimensional foundations of your world are already being integrated into the depths of your being as well as into the collective consciousness of humanity. The Truth of your Divine Existence is always being strengthened during your meditations and often when you are sleeping. You are in the process of culminating a powerful 9-year cycle that has been continuously supporting you in unifying your consciousness with that of your Presence while transforming the lost fragments of your being back into harmony with your original encoding from Source.

Your current cycle is filled with higher dimensional frequencies that are assisting in bringing any lost aspects of your soul back into harmony with your Presence or True Self.  Every part of you is preparing to ascend and to be fully illuminated as to the real truth of your existence and your reasons for having incarnated during your present cycle.

It is time to restore your inner vision so you can see that every facet of your being was designed to support Love as the true essence of your Being as well as the Light that has always been there to keep you connected with the illumined Wisdom and the Will of God. For those of you who have restored your vision so you can truly see every part of yourself as LOVE, you are already moving into your next creative cycle as the living embodiment of your God Presence. Let yourself feel, right now, the super refined, highly concentrated and powerful Creator frequencies that are already ushering in your new year and your new life.

To assist you living on Earth as the Presence of God embodied and manifesting your highest purpose and moving into the unlimited 5th dimension, a year-long Private Mentoring with the Masters Program has been created so you can ascend into the freedom, majesty and abundance of the Presence of God within you.  In addition, to assist you in manifesting your destiny and fully embodying your Presence in all areas of your life and facilitating others to do the same, a 3-month Ascension Coaching Certification Training has been created. We invite you to participate. 



Ascension Coaching Certification Training

A 3-Month Online Program 

For more information, go to:


Private Mentoring with the Masters 

               A Year-Long Program                        

For more information, go to: 



The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: and click on the Menu: 


*Council of Awakened Masters (on-going twice a month)

*Mentoring with the Masters for Golden Age Teachers (now available online)

*Be The Change: Advanced Ascension & Manifestation Training (now available online)

*Create the Life You Want to Live (now available online)

*Consciously Co-Create with the Masters (now available online)

*Create a Successful Business As Your Unlimited True Self (now available online)

*Presence to Presence: Living in Unity Consciousness (now an online course)

*Creating Beloved Golden Age Community Teachers Certification Training (now available online)

*Living As Your Presence: Initiations with the Buddha, Christ & Divine Mother (now online course)

*Golden Age Leadership Teachers Certification Training (now available online)

*Creating Your New Life (now an online course)

*Manifesting As Your Presence Teachers Certification Training (now online)

*Merging with Your Presence (now an online course)

*Embodying Your Presence Teachers Certification Training (soon available online)

*Conscious Ascension: Living as the Presence, Bringing Heaven to Earth  (now an online course)

*Conscious Ascension into the Golden Age Teachers Certification Training (now online)

*Consciously Create in Unlimitedness & Joy Parts 1 & II (now online )

*Co-Creating a New Golden Age  (now an online course)

*Consciously Create a Golden Age Teachers Certification Training  (now online)

*Golden Age Man & Woman  (now an online course)

*Golden Age Man & Woman Teachers Certification Training (now available online)  

*Golden Age Children Course for Parents & Teachers  (now an online course)

*Golden Age Children Teachers Certification Training  (now available online)

*Golden Age Practices to Heal and Communicate with Your Pet (now available online)

*Mastery I, II & III to Walk the Earth as a Living Master (now online) 


To learn how you can work personally with the Masters to achieve your own mastery, go to: and click on Mastery I from the menu.    


The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master are offered by the Ascended Masters Mystery School, created by the Masters to assist humanity in living their mastery. The receivers of the Masters’ transmissions, facilitators of the Courses and coordinators of the school are Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose. Kamala is the author of “Heart Initiation: Preparing for Conscious Ascension” and has been receiving transmissions from the Masters for over 35 years. Sharon has been in communication with the Masters for over 35 years, past Director of The School for Self-Mastery and Center for Esoteric Studies and has written more than a dozen spiritual books.


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