Archangel Michael via Victoria Cochrane, August 31

Archangel Michael via Victoria Cochrane, August 31st, 2019

Victoria Cochrane’s Channellings from the Masters: The Human Collective Consciousness

In the energy of the Creator of All That Is, everything and everyone in the universe is One. There is no separation from the Source of Creation, even though many people on the Earth believe or feel it to be so. The connection between humans is therefore intrinsic and infinite, with every thought, word, feeling and intention emitted by every human alive on the planet collecting around the globe as a mass of fluctuation and ever-changing energy. It is called the Human Collective Consciousness and it affects everyone in different and varying ways.

This ‘cloud’ of energy is a complete mish-mash of feelings and emotions ranging from hatred to love, despair to joy, loss and emptiness to overwhelming happiness. As the emotions of every individual change throughout the day, so does the amount of negativity or positivity in the consciousness. The location of where a particular thought or emotion was emitted makes no difference, because the energy mixes with existing energy, fluctuating, changing and travelling around the Earth at any given time. In places where extreme events are occurring, such as war, natural disaster or travesties against humanity, pockets of deep negativity may remain for some time. This is why it is so important for every human to be careful of the vibration of their thoughts and to send love to the world whenever they can.

People can be affected by the Human Collective Consciousness without being aware of it and this is where the danger lies. Waves of love and positivity will not do any harm if they come over a person unexpectedly but, when hit by a sudden wave of inexplicable anger and unexplained hatred that originally emanated from a person with extremist views, unwitting and innocent people can suddenly become violent without explanation. Those whose vibrations are already low due to substance abuse, poverty, extreme hunger and hardship are particularly vulnerable because low vibrations will attract more of the same. Empathic people, or those who are sensitive to the energy around them, are also at risk. As the plight of humanity deepens and the grips of corruption and manipulation tighten, this is a timely reminder to all to protect your energy and remain vigilant.

It is not my intention to discuss the darker forces at play in the world at this time. Rather, it is much more critical to stress the importance of spiritual connection to the unconditional love of the Creator. When one operates from the love of Source, lower energies cannot penetrate the aura or soul of the person. It is critical for each and every person on the Earth to extricate themselves from the illusion of the drama and materialism of the Earthly plane and to connect to their own divinity. Meditate, pray for assistance and begin to see the world through the lens of love, gratitude and service. Be conscious of your thoughts and feelings, because they create your reality and add to the consciousness of the masses. Work towards becoming a master of your own destiny and take responsibility for your thoughts, words, actions and reactions to others. Only you can change your world for the better. It starts with mindfulness and ends with mastery. Ask me to guide you.

I AM Archangel Michael