Mindvalley Academy

Dear Ricardo,
Sometimes we catch ourselves frequently falling into the ever-alluring yet emotionally-dangerous trap of comparing ourselves to others.
Let me tell you, comparison always lead you down to the path of insecurity.
Comparison breeds negative feeling of envy, low self-confidence, and even depression.
Ruminating about how someone else is better looking, wealthier, or is more successful than you is both time-consuming and is a waste of energy. 
Being hard on ourselves actually zaps motivation. It hinders you from accomplishing your goal. Why not dedicate the time and energy to build your own values?
We must understand that everyone is gifted in different ways to fulfill different purposes in life. There is no partiality in the eyes of God. Your worth is found in Him, not what others opinions are.
Be grateful, and you will find your own self-worth.
Today's prayer
Heavenly Father, I will not struggle with low self-esteem. I will walk with confidence with my head held high because I know I am wonderfully made. You paid a high price at the cross just for me. And I know how much I am blessed. I thank You  for I am healthy and I am worthy of Your love. In Jesus's Name, Amen!